Consuming Sweetened Beverages Increase the Risk to Heart Failure!

In asking 42 400 men, 45–79 years of age from Sweden who were followed from
1998 through 2010 and asked “How many soft drinks or sweetened juice drinks do you drink
per day or per week?” (Fruit juice was not included in the definition of sweetened beverages)
During a follow-up time of 11.7 years, a total of 4113 heart failure events occurred.
There was a positive association between sweetened beverage consumption and risk
of heart failure after adjustment for other risk factors. Men who consumed two or more
servings of sweetened beverages per day had a statistically significant higher risk (23%)of
developing heart failure compared to men who were non-consumers (Sweetened beverages
includes artificial sweeteners it looks like to me in this study).

The relationship between sweetened beverage consumption and risk of heart failure in men.” Heart. 2015 Dec;101(24):1961-5. 51337 Dr Susanna C Larsson, Unit of Nutritional Epidemiology, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Box 210, Stockholm 17177, Sweden;

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