"A Happy Marriage Can Lower Your Mortality Risk More Than Quitting Smoking!"

Compared with men who had had sex just once a month, those who reported having it twice a week had only half the death rate. For the entire group, as an individual's sexual frequency increased, his risk of death decreased...


Why would sex prolong life? There are several possible explanations:

• Frequent sex means an intimate relationship. Many studies show that close personal ties enhance health and extend longevity.

• Sex is exercise, and regular exercise is a cornerstone of health.

• Sex is relaxing. Many studies show that a regular stress-management regimen is good for health.

• Frequent sex improves immune function.

At Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, researchers surveyed 111 young adults about their frequency of partner sex, and then tested their saliva for a key component of the immune system, immunoglobulin A (IgA). Compared with participants who reported partner sex less than once a week, those who had sex once or twice a week had significantly higher IgA levels.

This research adds new spin to the slogan Nike uses to promote its sneakers: “Just do it.” Yes, do it. Sex is good for you—and it just might prolong your life.

"Erections Are Back! Now What???"

Since May, 2020 I have been putting together and implementing my "Heart - ED Reversal Program" (ED = Erectile Dysfunction). Diet (whole food, mostly plant based), Exercise and Acoustic Wave Therapy (AWT) have really made the return or improvement in erections for almost for any man possible in 6-18 treatments of about a half-hour each. The treatment is relatively painless. Go to KwikerMedical.com Scroll down to ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION

The sound (acoustic) waves when applied to the penis create a healing response by
1) Building new blood vessels (angiogenesis)
2) Stimulate stem cells and growth factors to rebuild tissue.
3) Having an anti-inflammatory effect
4) Having an anti-fibrotic effect (break up tissue like in Peyrone's disease)

This Aoucstic Wave Therapy (AWT) is a form of Regenerative Medicine.

"The reason I put up the title "Erections Are Back! Now What???" is that at first the goal was just to help the male patient go from where their erections were to an improved situation to where they could enjoy sexual relations without worry of "organ failure" so-to-speak :-)!

What I have quickly found out in the last 5 months of implementing this program is that for almost all of the men erections improve significantly with AWT. BUT that doesn't guarantee good sexual relations because now the partner's health, desire and fitness and the couples relationship comes into play. Those areas have to improve as well, or at least be functioning well for a successful sexual parntership and life to take place. I am working on a book called "ED - The Fastest Way to A Man's Heart" and one Chapter will be... "Erections Are Back! Now What?". It's going to be a fun, interesting and very important chapter.

The technology of acoustic wave therapy (AWT) has revolutionized ED treatment. Because AWT actually get's at two of the major causes of ED - poor blood flow and endothelial dysfunction in the penile arteries and unhealthy tissue, especially in the spongi parts of the penis that fill with blood called the corpora cavernosa.

My passion for prevention and reversing of heart disease with a plant based diet comes from the known effect of this diet improving endothelial functioning in the arteries of the heart. Well the same mechanism involved for building a healthy endothelium in a heart blood vessel is the same for building a healthy endothelium in the penile arteries. So working from "back to front" if I can help a man improve their erections with AWT and lifestyle, especially an improved diet, I hope to be reducing the risk to the number #1 killer of men and women, which is heart disease. And HOPEFULLY the partner will participate in improving their own cardiovascular risk while helping their parnter improve his ED through lifestyle...... Catch my logic!? Kind of a "Trojan Horse" approach to heart disease management. It is really a "Win Win" for everyone. Article 1 2 3 (video)

So if healthy sex later in life is good for your longevity the male (and the female) has to be able to function adequately to have good sex into those golden years. And for the female several solvable issues come up when the man "start's working" again. Vaginal moistness, vaginal stretching, pelvic floor muscles needing to be more toned, and sex drive or libido. Also fixable but may need to be "tuned-up" after their male partners erections are improved. And, of course relationship issues can come up as well.

I enjoy this aspect of medicine and am committed to the individual and couple in helping make their total relationship be more healthy and happy.

If you would like me to review your medical history and answer questions about your compatability with my "Heart - ED Reversal Program" you can make a FREE 15-30 minute office visit by PHONE or IN-OFFICE appointment to discuss it. Just tell the staff you want to make a 15 minute free Heart - ED visit with Kirk (916-489-4400).   I have three programs of 6, 12 and 18 sessions that include lab work and an office visits (initial and a result visit) that are be available.


Be well,

Kirk Hamilton PA-C
Health Assciates Medical Group
(916) 489-4400

PS: If you are not currently a patient but wanted to be this program will include the initial office vist. But I need to approve it first.... Thank you!