Got Pain? Try Shock Wave!

I have been applying low dose shock wave technology for multiple health conditions since May of 2020.

First the focus was erectile dysfunction of which there is definite benefit with these pulsed sound waves (sometimes marketed as acoustic waves), especially when used in conjunction with lifestyle (heart healthy diet and exercise), certain nutraceuticals that enhance nitric oxide release (available here Affirm or at our office), testosterone therapy if needed by prescription (or enhancement also available at Health Associates) and low dose Cialis (cost between $10-20 cash per month). And you have to have a good relationship for sexual relations! Make a Free 15 minute appointment by phone or in person with me to discuss if you are a good candidate (916-489-4400) for shock wave therapy and this combined approach for ED.

Shock Wave For Pain. A Non-Invasive Treatment That Stimulates Tissue Healing and Regeneration. A Saturday Morning Well Spent!

This past weekend (7/24/21) I spent a morning in Littleton, Colorado with Dr. Hani Saeed owner of the Red Rock Ankle and Foot Center who is a pioneer in using shock wave therapy in treating chronic and acute pain as well as injuries. It is the second time I have gone to Colorado and train/observed a “Master” at his craft reducing pain and enhance healing utilizing low dose shock wave therapy with the same radial and focused shock wave devices that I have been using at Health Associates since May, 2020 which are manufactured by Storz Medical.

On a busy Saturday morning we saw fourteen or so very appreciative patients for 20-30 to minute treatments of a wide variety of acute and chronic joint, muscle, tendon and chronic pain issues as well as difficult neuropathy patients. Almost everyone had immediate improvement and would walk, stand or move better and with less pain right after the treatment. Patients came from all over Colorado and a few out of state patients were seen. Aside from his unique technique in applying shock wave therapy Dr. Saeed is incredibly positive, patient focused, caring and it’s obvious his patients love him and have tremendous confidence that he will help them heal.

Since I have been doing this since May of 2020 and having success with patients with all kinds of chronic pain in issues (feet, ankles, calves, knees, hips, groins, shoulders, hands, wrists, backs, necks, TMJ, lymph edema…just about any body part that hurts) it made it much easier to pick up the little things from a “Master” to make my treatments more effective and efficient. While there is a lot of evidenced based research on shock wave therapy for a wide variety of conditions it is also and art form to administer it.

Shock wave therapy is NOT an electric shock, but pulsed sound waves. The radial device we call the “little jack hammer” works by compressed air pushing a pellet up and down a tube, pushing a tip up and down to create the shock wave on the surface of your skin. This device disperses it’s maximum energy on the surface of the skin. This device is sometimes called a radial pressure wave device. The focused shock wave device uses a magnetic coil to create the shock wave (sound wave) whose maximum strength goes centimeters into the tissue which allows for healing deeper in tissues, even to bone.

Shock wave therapy has been shown to promote (See Shock Wave Benefits and Function):

1) Neovascularizatioin –the building of new blood vessels
2) Release of growth factors such as eNOS (endothelial nitric oxide synthase)
3) VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor)
4) PCNA (proliferating cell antinuclear antigen).
5) An anti-inflammatory effect
6) A breakdown of fibrous tissue
7) Stimulation of stem cells

If you improve blood flow to any area healing occurs much more rapidly and completely. This technology has even been used to treat resistant angina pectoris (chest pain) because it can improve blood flow in the heart. Stem cell enhancement is a long-term healing component of this technology as well. So there is usually a relatively immediate effect in a lot of cases but a long-term healing effect occurs after the treatment is stopped.

Try this experiment just Google “Pub Med - Shock Wave Therapy - and your pain condition” and see what pops up in the National Library of Medicine. You will be surprised how much supportive data there is on this non-invasive technology using sound waves. If interested you can make a FREE 15 minute appoint (by phone or in office) to tell me your issue and I will tell you if I think I can help you (Call the office 916-489-4400 and ask for a free 15 Minute Phone EPAT visit with Kirk).

If we decide that shock wave is a good approach for your condition the first time I meet with you is a 60-75 minute office visit in which I include the treatment in that initial visit. I have to know your medical history, medications, diet and do a focused exam on that body part. After that most treatments are 20-30 minutes for 1 or sometimes 2 body areas and cost $150. The treatments are done 5-7 days a part for 3-5 treatments. This is not a one treatment and your are “cured” therapy. Each treatment builds off the prior session.

At that initial visit I will talk to you about an anti-inflammatory and healing diet as well. Food makes a '‘HUGE” difference in pain reduction and healing. So I use the BED Diet (pg 2), modified fasting types of diets with meals replacements (Inflamx) and/or Prolon to reduce your pain quickly, speed healing and give you more “bang for your buck!”. One to three nutraceuticals that help with pain will usually be recommended.

I also was introduced to an excellent CBD cream for almost immediate pain relief by Dr. Saeed that I have begun using post treatment as well. It has to be ordered by a licensed health professional. If you come in for a treatment I will apply this cream usually after the treatment and many times you will feel an immediate pain relieving effect.

Call 916-489-4400 for the 15 minute FREE visit or to set up a 60-75 minute initial visit with the first treatment.

Be Well,

Kirk Hamilton PA-C
Health Associates Medical Group
Prescription 2000, Inc.
3301 Alta Arden, Suite 3
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 716-2295 (m) / (916) 489-4400 (w)