Role of Sound Waves = Pressure Waves = Acoustic Waves = "Shock Waves" in Healing and Pain Relief

The reason I gave this title to this health letter is because this past weekend I was in Chicago at the Institute for Tissue Regeneration and Repair workshop put on by Curamedix who distributes the radial pressure wave and focused shock wave devices (EPAT/ESWT) which I have been using in the clinical for more than two years along with their newer EMTT device (Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy) which I have been using in the clinic for more than 6 months for almost every kind of pain syndrome. These devices promote healing and tissue regeneration literally from "head to toe."

I generally have been using these devices in combination because they are synergistic in  triggering the body to heal itself with pulsed sound or pressure waves and high oscillating pulsed electromagnetic fields. But each device can be used individually as well. The EMTT device especially can be used painlessly by itself with one’s clothes on for not just pain relief but to promote healing almost anywhere in the body.

These devices not only reduce pain but non-invasively promote healing in virtually any part of the body that has pain or that needs to heal (including wounds and bones). This is called "Regenerative Medicine" when you use techniques or compounds that stimulate the body's own mechanisms to promote healing. I was with practicing physicians from all over the country (actually the world - Germany and the United Kingdom) including an orthopedic surgeon (Instructor, Ludger Gerdesmeyer, MD, PhD, FIPP), an anesthesiologist, many podiatrists, chiropractors and a brilliant physiotherapist from the United Kingdom who was one of the keynote speakers (Paul Hobrough).

One of the hardest things is to explain what radial and focused shock wave therapies produce to promote healing. You can call them pressure waves, sound waves, acoustic waves or "shock waves" (but there is no electrical shock created by these two devices). The radial shock wave device creates a mechanical pressure by compressed air pushing a "pellet" up and down a tube that moves a tip up and down hitting your skin creating a "pressure wave" that goes out in a circular fashion but doesn't go deep into the tissue. In the focused shockwave device a magnetic coil creates a pressure or acoustic wave that goes through your body tissues with it's maximum energy deep in the tissue and hence starts the wave process deeper (i.e. focused shock wave therapy).  The radial device works better in conditions closer to the surface while the focus device works on injuries and pain deeper in the tissues.

The pulsed "sound wave or acoustic" creates in body tissues a release of biochemicals that promote healing:

1)      Neovascularization – the building of new blood vessels

2)      Release of growth factors such as eNOS (endothelial nitric oxide synthase)

3)      VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor)

4)      PCNA (proliferating cell antinuclear antigen)

5)      An anti-inflammatory effect

6)      A breakdown of fibrous tissue

7)      Stimulation of stem cells

Electromagnetic transduction therapy (EMTT) is a promising new technology of treatment based on PEMF (pulse electromagnetic fields) with magnetic field strength between 80 and 150 mT and oscillating frequencies of 120 Hz with each impulse. EMTT acts via electromagnetic transduction. This treatment is also classified as soft tissue engineering therapy. Impulses are emitted by a high-speed generator to build up a voltage up to 30 kV which is released in nanoseconds at an impulse release frequency of 3 Hz. The very short duration of each impulse ensures full electrophysical reaction without any temperature increase in the tissue.

The EMTT device promotes healing by creating high oscillating pulsed electromagnetic fields which allow for deeper tissue penetration and a stronger electromagnetic effect compared to traditional PEMF (pulse electromagnetic fields) which has shown benefit in bone fracture and non-union healing.

Conditions Which Respond to Radial and/or Focused-ESWT and EMTT Therapy
[5-6 Weekly Treatments with all three modalities - $200 (20-30 min/ 1 body area); $250 (30-45 min/ 2 body areas) $300 (45-60 min/ 3 body areas) and/or EMTT alone 15 min 1-2 x week ($80)]

Achilles Tendinitis
Ankle Sprains
Avascular Necrosis (hip)
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
Bicep Tendinitis
Bursitis Hip
Calcium Deposits
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Erectile Dysfunction (10-20) weekly or twice weekly treatments, $200/session)
Fracture Healing
Greater Trochanteric Syndrome (hip pain)
Hamstring injuries
Low Back Pain
Lymphedema (8-12 weekly)
Muscle Strains
Overactive Bladder
Neck Pain (stiff neck)
Neuroma’s (feet)
Neuropathies (feet)
Nocturia (nighttime urination)
Patellar Tendinitis
Plantar Fasciitis
Rotator Cuff Partial Tears
Shin Splints
Shoulder Pain
Tennis Elbow (outside)
Trapezius Pain
Urinary frequency
Wound Healing
...and More

***We don't offer treatment packages. You pay for the visits as you go at each visit.

If You Have Pain Ask Yourself These Questions...Because I Will Ask You Them in Our Visit...

1) What are the 3 things you cannot do as a result of your pain?
2) What are your three goals when pain-free?
3) What will it mean to you if you achieve these goals?

Watch This Webinar of a Family Physician who treats a wide range of conditions like I do with EPAT/EMTT. Start at 10 minutes - turn up speed to 1.25-1.50 if you want to get through the video faster.
Treating from Head to Toe Using Shock Wave, EMTT and More... David Cunningham, MD – Webinar

You can make a FREE 15 minute phone appointment with me to discuss your particular situation
to see if this is an approach you may want. Or, if you are sure you want to try this technology you can make an initial one hour appointment to allow me to take a good medical history of your problem, a physical examination of the area and your pain and give an initial treatment. Call NOW 916-489-4400 to schedule an EPAT or EMTT appointment.

I recommend variations of "Kirk's 21 Day Program" and different fasting regimens (Prolon and Inflamx) for reducing pain along with EPAT and EMTT therapies. You will have a better outcome if you reduce the inflammation in your diet.

I also have a special interest in reversing heart disease, diabetes, overweight and memory loss . If you have concerns about CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome), and/or mold illness these are also areas of significant interest and study for me.

People can sign up for my Health Letter Here.

Be Well,


Kirk Hamilton PA-C
Health Associates Medical Group
3301 Alta Arden, Suite 3
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 489-4400 (w)