International Plant-Based Nutrition Health Care Conference Highlights and Comments, September 16-19, 2022

Thoughts and Highlights from 10th International Plant-Based Health Care Conference, September 16-19, 2022 that I took "virtually" from my cell phone (9/16-9/19/22). One good thing from the pandemic is more virtual learning. It’s hard to summarize a 3 day conference in brief so I’m just going to give some highlights and links. Take what resonates with you. Bottom line is a whole food plant-based diet can reverse, prevent or slow almost all the chronic diseases which account for over 80% of our health care budget and by reducing dramatically the co-morbidities (i.e. obesity, diabetes, heart disease and vascular disease, inflammation, etc.) would have dramatically reduced the susceptibility, hospitalizations and mortality to Covid 19 if universally applied.

Pay attention to the pain management talk by Dr. Esser below. It was incredible. BLOOD FLOW OR TISSUE PERFUSION IS CRITICAL IN LOW BACK PAIN, OSTEOPOROSIS, KNEE, BACK AND HAND ARTHRITIS...His 4 week program I highly recommend or his other programs. Also Dr. Michael Greger’s weight loss tips from his book “How Not To Diet” at the very end of this post was excellent.

Plant-Based Health Care Conference
Agenda (scroll down the list and click on their names and a summary of their talk come up).
Speakers (bios on the speakers)

Lectures and Speakers - My "One Liners'

Health span: Adding Life to Lifespan, Scott Stoll, MD, FABPMR
We are expanding our long we live. But we want to be expanding our health span, how well we live, how disease free we live during those Golden years. And it is possible with exercise and a more WHOLE food plant-based diet.


A Translational Research between Diet and Dementia, Ayesha Sherzai, MD Dean Sherzai, MD, PhD (neurologists)
There is lot's of evidence that memory and Alzheimer's disease can be prevented by diet and lifestyle. The most important things to prevent memory decline are: daily exercise, low glycemic or low sugar diets, sound sleep, good and engaging stress and challenges, avoidance of overwhelming stress. Community is important as well. Start these things early in life. Check for B12, vit D and essential omega 3 fatty acids. That is all the supplements the Sherzai’s would recommend. MAIN MESSAGE: MUCH BETTER TO PREVENT than treat Alzheimer and memory loss. It’s never too late so start now.

COMMENT: Their books are excellent. I am more aggressive in testing memory patients for vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, inflammation markers, gut health, environmental toxins such as heavy metals (i.e. lead, cadmium, mercury, etc.) and markers of mold illness (CIRS), and hormone levels and trying to integrate these findings on top of the basics - 1) a whole food, low glycemic mostly plant-based diet; 2) daily exercise - at least an hour per day which stimulates BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor) which triggers the growth of new brain cells in the hippocampus (neurogenesis). BDNF stimulates stem cells in the brain, providing the hippocampus with new healthy cells that enhance brain function. Vigorous exercise is best to stimulate BDNF…And it is free!; 3) Good sound sleep so the brain can consolidate memory and also “clean up” debris in the brain; 4) Avoid overwhelming stress and 5) Allow for challenging, creative and enjoyable good stress.
The Alzheimer' s Solution
The 30-Day Alzheimer's Solution


The Role of Diet in Acne, Apple Bodemer, MD (dermatologist)
No question that diet plays a role in acne. Especially dairy products. AVOID ALL DAIRY PRODUCTS, ESPECIALLY CHEESE! Reduce or eliminate saturated fats (animal products, eggs as well), sugar and processed carbohydrates (which have trans fats and high omega 6 oils and lack fiber). She says cheese is a MAJOR offender. I AGREE! (Follow my basic elimination diet on page 2 of my 21 Day Healthy Living Program)


Understanding Lipids, Monica Aggarwal, MD, FACC (cardiologist)
Animal products increase LDL cholesterol. LDL is a significant risk factor for heart disease.
non-HDL cholesterol is important to measure. Many believe non-HDL cholesterol is the most significant lipid number. She is a cardiologist who cured herself of severe rheumatoid arthritis buy switching to a whole food plant-based diet. She is also a busy mother of three, runner and a practicing cardiologist at the same time. She is the author of Body on Fire: How Inflammation Triggers Chronic Illness and the Tools We Have to Fight It.


The Practice Management Side of Passionate, Purposeful and Profitable Plant-based Private Practices, Melissa Mondala, MD (family medicine). Has practiced Lifestyle Medicine successfully around the world.


Nutrition and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Hana Kahleova, MD, PhD, MBA (endocrinologist)
Whole food plant-based diets can reverse fatty liver disease. Animal fat and sugar restriction (and avoidance of PROCESSED carbohydrates) are important in reducing fatty livers as well as fat loss. She is an outstanding researcher at

The Year in Plants: The Most Important Studies You Might Have Missed in 2022, Andrew M. Freeman, MD (cardiologist)
Reviewed the research on the benefits of plant-based nutrition in a wide variety of conditions even though a cardiologist that specializes in heart failure for which a plant-base diet can be curative.


Origins and Impact of Food Addiction, Eric Walsh, MD, DrPH (family medicine)


A Carrot and a Stent - You Pick! Koushik R. Reddy, MD (cardiologist)
Interventional cardiologist at the V.A. who strongly recommends whole food plant-based diets for his veteran patients when they will do it. Any incorporation of more whole plant foods is better than none.


Plant-based Nutrition for Optimal Performance in Master Athletes, Richard M. Rosenfeld, MD, MPH, MBA, DipABLM (ENT physician)
At any age you can increase the performance of your body. There are now many "Master Athletes" achieving amazing things at any age by just by going out and doing the activity. He strongly recommends not just aerobic exercise but by strength training as well. Start now! Walking and strength training can dramatically change your longevity and wellness.  (Video on Diabetes Reversal)


Questioning Why We Think Protein Matters So Much, T. Colin Campbell, PhD (nutritional biochemistry)
Early studies showed that animal protein could turn ON cancer (casein) and plant proteins could turn OFF cancer (soy, wheat). Higher animal protein intakes increase the risk to cancer and heart disease. Dr. Campbell believes animal protein may be a carcinogen. Eating high amounts of plant protein won't cause cancer. Be careful of animal protein supplements, including whey. Eating whole unprocessed plant foods will provide all he protein you need.

Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition

The Future of Nutrition: An Insider’s Look at the Science, Why We Keep Getting It Wrong, and How to Start Getting It Right

The China Study


Train Them Up: Lifestyle Medicine in Children to Achieve Health Equity, David Bowman, MD (pediatrician)
"Be your child's parent not their friend." Tell them what to eat and have it available and not other processed foods. DON'T buy your kids processed or junk food. They will eat junk food if there is an option for them.

The Breast Defense: How to Minimize Cancer Risk, Kristi Funk, MD, FACS (breast cancer surgeon)
12 Best Foods for the Breast

1) Whole organic soy foods REDUCE THE RISK OF BREAST CANCER AND WHOLE SOY CONSUMPTION LOWERS RECURRENCE of breast cancer.  Dr. Funk reviews multiple studies.
2) Cruciferous vegetables and leafy greens.
3) Flaxseeds containing lignans, sterols and omega 3 fatty acids.

Big Cancer Risk Factors For Breast Cancer
Diet/Nutrition - Don’t eat the SAD diet (Standard American Diet) and eat whole food plant-based foods
Alcohol - any!
Exercise - More is better
Obesity - Need to reduce - match up with breast cancer patients

Breasts: The Owner's Manual: Every Woman’s Guide to Reducing Cancer Risk, Making reatment Choices, and Optimizing Outcomes

IGF-1 which is stimulated by animal protein which increases the risk of cancer and diabetes.
IGF-1 deficient people don't get cancer or diabetes (Laron Syndrome).
Diet Goals
Lowering IGF-1
Low-fat (10-15%), high-fiber (30-40 gm per 1000 calories/day), whole food plant-based diet (WFPB), Daily exercise classes. RESULT: Lowered IGF-1 in 2 weeks. Breast cancer cells were destroyed in 2 weeks.


A Unifying Theory of Lifestyle Medicine, Dean Ornish, MD (Preventive and Internal Medicine)

Dean Ornish shares his "unifying theory" of chronic disease which is the same biochemical abnormalities are seen in many differently named chronic diseases (heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, osteoarthritis, etc). So if you change your diet, you change your biochemistry and therefore one’s diet pattern (whole food plant-based) which can reverse or reduce the risk to many "different" chronic diseases.

Presently Dean Ornish's group is doing an Alzheimer's disease study using the Ornish Program which includes his low fat plant-based diet. I don't know how much exercise, stress management and group therapy is included in the Alzheimer's study which all are components (diet, exercise, stress management, group therapy) included in the Ornish Program for heart disease reversal. I also don't know if he recommends omega-3 fatty acids as well. My guess is all the above are included in his study. I am looking forward to seeing the results. I believe they will be positive, the question is how much. He shared studies on plant-based diets reducing the severity of Covid 19 as well in his talk.

A “Third World Diet” is the healthiest way to eat (if eating whole natural foods which are mostly plant-based foods since people are poor and the individuals get enough calories).

The Heart Disease Reversal Program is now paid for by Medicare

U.S. News and Report #1 Diet for Heart Disease - Ornish Program Seven Years Straight.

Ornish Nutrition Program

Research Studies on Reversal of Aging, Cholesterol Lowering, Diabetes, Gene Expression, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Prostate Cancer, Weight loss

Loneliness and depression are key factors in increasing cardiovascular disease risk and can be helped by the Ornish Program


Intersection of Food, Pain and Regeneration, Stephan Esser, MD (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) - Fourth generation physician.
Dr. Esser’s Program - Try his 4 Week Program Download
He sees 6000 physicians per year.  He applies whole food plant-based nutrition to pain management patients. Obesity causes pain and obesity increases knee and hip replacement 500%. 

He challenges everyone of his pain patients to go on his 4 week whole food plant-based program.  

1) Losing weight is critical for reducing pain and degeneration in joints - fat cells are factories for inflammation.
2) Inflammation goes down with whole food plant-based nutrition - obese people have the highest rate of hand osteoarthritis. Increased adipokines increase pain and inflammation. Losing weight decreases adipokines and reduces inflammation and pain. Make the program for the individual patient.
3) Perfusion and pain - you need more blood flow to reduce pain. With reduced circulation pain is increased.
Aortic calcification reduces blood flow to the vertebra and is a cause of back pain (can be see frequently on back, abdomen and chest xrays). Osteoporosis is correlated with reduced blood flow. Everyone who goes in for rotator cuff surgery (shoulder) should go on a whole food plant-based diet to increase blood flow to the tissues in the shoulder. He showed a picture of a PRP blood draw that was thick and cloudy with fat. Reducing blood flow to your heart also reduces blood to your bones, back, shoulders and knees. Increased blood pressure reduces blood flow to the chondrocytes and can trigger pain. He puts people on whole food plant-based programs which normalizes blood pressure which improves pain. .
4) The arachidonic acid cascade and pain - meat, egg and dairy fat (rich sources of arachidonic acid) increase inflammatory prostaglandins. NSAIDS block the production of these prostaglandins and can reduce pain but they wear the mucous lining off the gut wall which protects it from the acid. Eventually this can lead to increased intestinal permeability, more inflammation and more pain. The leading source of arachidonic acid is animal foods. Increased AA increases the risk to pain. And reducing it reduces pain.
5) Autoimmune inflammation - Fruit and vegetables reduce risk. Plant base diet reduces inflammation and risk to autoimmunity.
6) Low level increases in uric acid increase synovial inflammation and arthritic symptoms.
7) Neuropathic pain - diabetes is the number one cause of neuropathic pain (polyol pathway, AGEP's, Oxidative Damage) - enhance oxidative stress, decreases perfusion. (Story of a patient who brings his black beans to the local pizza parlor and pours them on his salads and then watches sports with the guys!)
8) Regenerate muscle, tendons and nerves (plant-based compounds can alter human stem cell function and rebuild tissue).

1) Maximize nitrate foods, anthocyanidin rich foods foods
2) Reduce arachidonic acid exposure
3) Reduce circulating uric acid
4) Heal the gut - Gut - Joint - Bone Axis is real
5) Targeted intervention for 4 Weeks
6) There is a sense of URGENCY in changing your diet for pain reduction

Plant-based nutrition should be a primary intervention for musculoskeletal disorders
Why a Plant-Based Diet is Key for Joint Replacement (and Your Overall Health)
Plant-based Diet and Arthritis
Plant-Based Orthopedist Who Reversed His Own Heart Disease and Recommends Whole Food Plant-Based Diets for His Shoulder Patients


Luminary Panel: A Historical and Visionary Perspective on Ten Years of Research with the Pioneers of WFPBN (Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition)
Scott Stoll, MD, FABPMR - sports medicine and pain management physician and organizer of this conference and the Plantrician Project
Neal D. Barnard, MD, FACC, PCRM founder, author and leader in studies showing diabetes and heart disease reversal and almost stopping the use of animal experiment in medical schools
T. Colin Campbell, PhD - author of the China Study
Brenda Davis, RD pioneering whole food plant-based dietician, author and teacher who I went to the Marshall Islands to help with her diabetes reversal program
Hans Diehl, DrHSc, MPH, FACN - creator of the CHIPS Program
Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr. , MD, surgeon and author of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and studies showing heart disease reversal by a whole food plant-based diet
Michael Klaper, MD - Author, practicing clinician and medical school educator
Dean Ornish, MD - father of Lifestyle Medicine and did the landmark heart disease reversal study with a plant-based diet, exercise, stress management and social support


The Science of Behavior Change: How to Influence People to Change Their DIETS! Ocean Robbins (Food Revolution Network)
Ocean Robbins is the son of the heir to Baskin Robbins John Robbins who gave up taking over the family business and eventually wrote Diet for a New America, The Food Revolution or the book that really changed my view on aging which was Healthy at 100. He starts with the story of his grandfather who ate the SAD Diet (Standard American Diet) including ice cream every day but was overweight, had diabetes and vascular issues. To his credit he eventually changed his life dramatically and ate mostly plant-based diet and reversed these diseases, while his great uncle who never changed his diet died an early death.

Trying to help people change in any lifestyle approach is difficult and is enhanced by people having support. People to do it with or just support you is very helpful and more effective. 

Ocean shared a case study of a blind (from diabetic retinopathy), diabetic and obese patient who taught herself to cook whole food plant-based and over time eventually not only lost a lot of weight, got rid of her diabetes and her eyesight came back.


Getting It Right: Plant-based Nutrition from Birth Through the Senior Years, Brenda Davis, RD (registered dietician, author, speaker)
I know Brenda Davis. I joined her in the Marshall Islands in 2016 on her second trip there were she established a curriculum for teachers on the island to teach whole food nutrition, mostly plant-based to reduce the risk to diabetes and obesity which the Marshall Islands is know for.

Brenda Davis, RD Reviewed studies on the nutrient quality of vegan diets.
Vegan and vegetarian diets are sound when adequately planned.
Vitamin D and B12 have to be watched as well as getting adequate calories.
ALL diets that children are eating are generally inadequate.
Protein - the largest animals in the world get enough protein from plants humans can too.
Seniors need to eat more protein in general to maintain muscle mass from whole plant foods.
Soaking, sprouting, cooking, leavening increase protein absorption.
Real high fiber foods can inhibit protein intake.
Legumes and whole grains can reduce the protein absorbed.
Plant-based eaters get enough protein unless their diets are highly refined.
The 9 essential amino acids come from plants originally.
Have plant-based concentrated veggie protein rich foods at each meal with less fiber if needed.
Canada's Food Guide 1/2 fruit and vegetables, 1/4 protein rich foods, 1/4 good starches.
Consuming fortified non-dairy milks are reasonable to get adequate calcium intake.
Vitamin D is deficient in all types of diets and is very prevalent - should be supplemented no matter what diet chosen.
Vitamin B12 should be taken in vegans.
Omega-3s - sources are chia, flax, walnuts, microalgae, eggs.
ALA conversion is 5-7% to EPA/DHA. EPA/DHA from algae sources is recommended.
Severe iodine deficiency is the #1 cause of preventable mental retardation in the world.
A whole food plant-based diet is best for chronic disease prevention and reversal, being kind to animals and benefits to the environment.


Evidence-Based Weight Loss Michael Greger, MD (
How Not How to Diet (book)

The Best Way to Lose Weight
Eating low calorie dense foods is key for weight loss diet.
(Example 250 calories from a cooked or raw carrots have two different effects on total daily food consumption).
Foods low in calorie density are almost impossible to overeat. With more fiber and low calorie foods
your stretch receptors in your stomach stretch and give you a sense of fullness with less calories.
People eat about 3 lbs. of food per day.

Negative Calorie Pre-Loading
A salad before a pasta meal reduced the total intake of calories compared to eating pasta alone.
Just eating a raw salad (no creamy dressing or high oil dressing) or fruit before the main course causes a reduction in total food intake. An example is eating an apple and pre-meal vegetable soup resulted in reduced total calories consumed at the meal. Drinking two cups of water before eating a meal resulted in 44% quicker weight loss.

Increasing AMPK
Vinegar increases AMPK - 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with each meal which increased weight loss.
Garlic 1/4-1/2 teaspoons per day increases weight loss.
Black Cumin seed 1/4 tsp per day (Nigella Sativa) increases weight loss (can also drop cholesterol).
Cumin 1/2 tsp per day.
Ginger 1/4 tsp per day.


Cooked greens - 1/2 cup twice daily
Gut flora can digest fiber even though we can't.
Eat MACs - microbiotic accessible carbohydrates - fiber.
Meat consumption is associated with weight gain. Poultry is the worse.
Most food studies are compared against junk food not against whole plant foods.
Meat - plant-based meats - whole plant foods (transition).
Animal protein increases insulin release like sugar.
Plant proteins are lower in branch chain aminos which decrease insulin resistance.
Decreased consumption of branch chain amino reduces insulin resistance.
Drugs that block branch chain amino acids have been suggested to reduce diabetes risk.

Wall Off Your Calories! - His most important diet recommendation
Fiber in plant foods “wall off” the calories from being absorbed while animal foods calories are not walled off.  Eat the whole grain versus refined grains with reduced walled off calories.

The best study showing weight loss (> 20lbs weight loss) over one year without limiting calories.
The BROAD study: A randomized controlled trial using a whole food plant-based diet in the community for obesity, ischaemic heart disease or diabetes.


This program led to significant improvements in BMI, cholesterol and other risk factors. To the best of our knowledge, this research has achieved greater weight loss at 6 and 12 months than any other trial that does not limit energy intake or mandate regular exercise. Many patients are interested in making dietary changes, and the WFPB diet can be offered as a safe and effective option for losing weight and obtaining some reduction in cholesterol, without necessarily increasing exercise. The main advantage is in eating to satiation without restricting the amount of food eaten. This small study also showed several improvements with chronic disease risk factors and quality of life, which were largely maintained to 12 months. Future research could identify participants who are currently likely to succeed with a diet change, which could reduce dropout rates and increase effectiveness. Given the low cost of this intervention and the relative benefits of this dietary approach, this could be offered by policy makers and practitioners as promoting weight loss, and suitable for consumption in hospitals.

Eating more whole plant-based foods - burns more calories even with you are not exercising.

Keto-genic diets reduce muscle mass even with successful weight loss

Low Carb Diets increase overall mortality

People can sign up for my Health Letter Here. |

If you are interested in shock wave (EPAT/ESWT pulsed sound waves) or EMTT (pulsed magnetic fields) for pain management, stimulating healing and/or for erectile dysfunctions make an appointment as well.

I still recommend variations of "Kirk's 21 Day Program" and different fasting regimens (Prolon and Inflamx) for reversal of heart disease, diabetes and overweight issues. If you have concerns about memory, CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome), and/or mold illness those are also areas of significant interest and study for me.

Kirk Hamilton PA-C
Health Associates Medical Group
3301 Alta Arden, Suite 3
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 489-4400 (w)