Hiccup Cure and Slow Breathing for Health

I have a hiccup cure that only did not work once. It was a patient who had been in and
out of the ER for hiccups. But that's only once. You take a breath as deep as you can...
really stretch those lungs and hold it as long as you can...a minute or more....and Puff...
no more hiccups!

Well Dr. Michael Greger describes a similar technique of "stretching" the lungs with inspiration,
(take a very deep breath - hold the lungs for 10 seconds, then inspire again and hold for
5 seconds, then inspire a little more stretching those lungs and hold it another 5 seconds)
but he also describes how breathing slowly, in-and-out every 11 seconds for several minutes,
can have profound effects on a variety of health problems. "How To Strengthen the Mind-Body Connection"

I am all for sitting still and breathing slow. It is a practice I go in and out of and am
very happy to get a reminder.

Be and Stay Well,


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