Have Headaches (Pain) Think "Food First". In May of 1983 - yep almost 37 years ago, I was working at my first job in a wholistic medical practice in Marina Del Rey for Dr. Rob Krakovitz, MD. He put everyone on a two week "detox" which was a vegetable puree, some vitamins and some psyllium seed husks. What I observed was all kinds of pain syndromes improve during this two week vegetable puree. Not only headaches, but also joint pain, abdominal pain, about any kind of "itis" you can think of.
In my own life I can trigger a headaches starting behind my right eye with a combination of chocolate, alcohol, green or black tea, or black coffee or a moderate excess of one of these. I am allergic to aspirin so in the past if I "jumped" on a headache quickly with an espresso and 2 500 mg Tylenols it would go away. But that stopped working. Now a bubbly/sugary old fashion coke with 2 Tylenol’s usually does it. It happens about two times per month. Usually when I have had a single cup of black coffee daily for several days then I add one of the 3 other triggers (tea green or black, chocolate or alcohol). The other thing to note about headaches/pain is that your sensitivities can change with life and age. Green tea never use to do this too me until about 2-3 years ago. My load is low now. As long as I skip a day or two of my black coffee per week and do a little of one of the other three.... no headaches. But occasionally I slip. But I know what it is when it happens. If I catch it early I catch it. If not. Oh well there is a gradually occurring, nauseating pain behind my right eye. But because I know what foods affect me then I don't have to go to a doctor or take some chronic medication for it.
So going on more of a whole food plant-based diet gets you off of some classic triggers...dairy foods, processed wheat products/baked goods, eggs, some plant-based people give up caffeine as well.... Remember if you hurt anywhere think food first.
"Key Point: Anytime you go on a fast, modified fast, detox, elimination diet for more that 4-5 days you can learn a lot and save THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS if you pay attention to how you feel while you are on the "diet-fast-detox" and then how you feel when you re-introduce foods that you have eliminated. PAY ATTENTION AND SAFE MONEY AND REDUCE YOUR PAIN AND DOCTOR VISITS!
Watch this video about "Food and Headaches." But the truth is any food can cause any chronic or repetitive pain (joints, belly, muscles, nerves, etc.). This video is excellent! Some of you will get rid of headaches and a few other if you really go Whole Food Plant Based or eat off my basic elimination diet.
That is why the first time I see someone I put them on my "Basic Elimination Diet" for two weeks (Watch).
Be Well,
Kirk Hamilton PA-C
Call for Brief Medical Questions Mon-Fri 8-9 a.m. PST (916) 489-4400