Sudden Knee Pain, Torn Mensicus Responds Quickly to Shock Wave and Quad Strengthening

A 75 year-old male mildly overweight with type 2 diabetes step out of bed on June 28, 2022
and felt a sharp pain on the inside of his left knee when his left foot turned inward.  He came
to me 2 weeks later on July 14, 2022 limping into the office with a cane asking for help. I took
a history, examined him and said it could be a ligament strain or a torn cartilage or both because
of the pain on the inside (medial) aspect of the left knee. I told him whether this ends up with a
surgical solution or not it is important to be on an anti-inflammatory diet; strengthen his quads
and calves to stabilize the knee, improve his range of motion of the knee and enhance the natural
healing process with shock wave (radial and focused) and some EMTT therapy (electromagnetotransduction therapy). Shock waves are pulsed sound waves not electrical shocks, while EMTT is high oscillating pulsed electromagnetic fields. Both promote healing.


Exercise daily - just walking

Strengthen Quads, Hamstrings and Calves
(yellow highlights are what the patient did)

Wall Sit - 10 seconds to a minute 2-4 x day
Quad sets
Straight leg raise
Short Arc Quads
Sidelying Hip Abduction
Knee to Chest Exercises
Calf Raises flexing quads (can hold on to something)
"Sink" Squats - hold onto the sink - go down to 90% if no pain then return - eventually if no pain can do full squat - again not if there is pain (or clicking or locking of the knee).

Xray and MRIs of the knee on 7/14 and 7/23/22 respectively showed left knee osteoarthritis,
chondrocalcinosis of the menisci and upon MRI he had complexed tears of the medial meniscus and horizontal tears of the lateral meniscus.

Shock Wave (radial and focused) and EMTT Treatments

After two combined treatments 1 week apart of 4000 (1.2-2.0 bar.15 Hz) radial pulses ("shocks") and 2000 (.03-.07 mJ/mm2) focused pulses and EMTT treatments 5000-6000 oscillations (8/8Hz) there was a mild-to-moderate improvement though he was still using his cane. I then saw the MRI and referred him to an orthopedist which was scheduled for September 6, 2022 over a month away. I wasn't sure about the focused and radial shock wave improving actual cartilage tears (there is some suggestion of a positive effect on cartilage; see references below) but I believed these therapies along with exercise would have him optimally prepared for a great surgical outcome if that is what was to happen. So to keep expenses down until he had his surgical evaluation we decided to just do the EMTT therapy (high oscillation pulsed electromagnetic fields) on the left knee that only takes 15-20 minutes weekly until his orthopedist appointment on September 6, then decide if he wanted more shock wave treatments. He continued to do the weekly leg strengthening exercises (below). EMTT only sessions were continued at 8000-9000 pulses (8/8Hz) for sessions 3, 4 and 5. Coming into the 4th session (8/2/22) before the treatment he said he hadn't had any pain in his left knee since July 26 even though recently he had walked up and down 12 flights of stairs. He was still doing his Quad exercises religiously (and staying off all dairy products and processed wheat products; and his HgA1C was creeping down from 6.9 to 6.6 showing his diet was improving slowly). When he came in for his #5 EMTT session he said his left knee pain was almost completely gone and he hadn't used his cane at all for the last week.

He will be traveling to visit a lifelong friend who is seriously ill for the next 2-3 weeks. So we will see how long his good progress lasts. I may be able to see him for an EMTT treatment or two before his September 6, orthopedist visit. I will be curious to see what happens.

Even though traveling and away from home he can still do his Quad/knee exercises daily and eat well. The unique thing about using shock wave therapy is that there is an immediate effect many times but then there is a physiological effect that continues releasing healing substances for 10-12 weeks after the last treatment.

There is no perfect protocol with shock wave therapy and EMTT. There are guidelines then there is individual experience and "feel" and getting feedback from the patient. I used to be a certified massage therapist many years ago and putting my hands on people in a healing fashion is a natural for me. Many times I feel like I am "feeling" through the shock wave hand pieces, like extensions of my hands. These technologies and tools are very powerful because they stimulate your body to heal itself with minimal, if any side effects.  I also can't emphasize enough the importance of an anti-inflammatory diet, taking some nutrients, selective exercises and muscle strengthening playing a big role in healing a chronic problem and then staying well.

Call me between 8-9 a.m. at 916-489-4400 if you have questions. Right now you can schedule a FREE 15 minute phone appointment with me to see if you are a good candidate for shock wave and EMTT therapy. If you are ready to go make an initial 1 hour appointment for me to obtain a good history, do an exam and then have a treatment session please schedule a new patient appointment. Call the office for our initial office visit charges.

Shock wave treatment sessions are $175-200 for a half hour (1 body part); $250 for 45 min (2 parts) and $300 for 60 min (3-4 parts). EMTT alone is $80 per 15 minutes session. Treatments are paid for at the time of service.

I look forward to working with you and sharing more cases with you. Shock wave works not only for musculoskeletal problems but for erectile dysfunction as well. You can do a 15 minute free appointment to discuss ED if you are interested. Some groups also use shock wave treatments for aesthetic medicine related health issues.


Extracorporeal shockwave therapy improves pain and function in subjects with knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Int J Surg. 2020 Oct;82:64-75.

Extracorporeal shockwave treatment in knee osteoarthritis: therapeutic effects and possible mechanism. Biosci Rep. 2020 Nov 27;40(11):BSR20200926.

The effect of extracorporeal shock wave therapy on the treatment of moderate to severe knee osteoarthritis and cartilage lesion. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 May;98(20):e15523.

Extracorporeal shockwave therapy vs. kinesiotherapy for osteoarthritis of the knee: A pilot randomized controlled trial. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2017 Sep 22;30(5):1121-1128.


People can sign up for my Health Letter Here.


If people would like to make an appointment with me in person or on the phone regarding all matters Covid 19 - Prevention, Early Treatment, Long Hauler's Syndrome , Post Vaccine Syndrome or recovering from possible vaccine side effects and hospitalization please make an appointment by phone or in office with me by calling 916-489-4400.

If you are interested in shock wave (EPAT/ESWT pulsed sound waves) or EMTT (pulsed magnetic fields) for pain management, stimulating healing and/or for erectile dysfunctions make an appointment as well.

I still recommend variations of "Kirk's 21 Day Program" and different fasting regimens (Prolon and Inflamx) for reversal of heart disease, diabetes and overweight issues. If you have concerns about memory, CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome), and/or mold illness those are also areas of significant interest and study for me.

Be Well,


Kirk Hamilton PA-C
Prescription 2000, Inc.
Health Associates Medical Group
3301 Alta Arden, Suite 3
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 489-4400 (w)

Overactive Bladder and Shock Wave Therapy with EMTT

Frequent urination or an overactive bladder can be a very aggravating situation. While diet is important like cutting out caffeine, alcohol for a while, avoiding milk products, eliminating sugars and processed carbohydrates, losing abdominal fat, hormone replacement and doing core and/or Kegel exercises it would be nice to have a non-invasive therapy which actually "rejuvenates" the tissues in the bladder. Shock wave therapy (not a real electrical shock) which are types of sound waves create a healing response that has been shown to significantly improve bladder symptoms. Click on full study - Scroll down to Figure 4. This is a very simple treatment that I have done and can be done along with an EMTT therapy session in about a half hour $175-200.

In this study they did it on 8 weekly treatments. I always like to emphasize to my shock wave patients for any medical syndrome being treated - DO DIET ADJUSTMENT at the same time. You will save time and money!

Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy Ameliorates the Overactive Bladder: A Prospective Pilot Study.
In the present clinical trial, we evaluated the therapeutic effects of low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy (LiESWT) on overactive bladder (OAB). Methods. Female subjects with ages of 20-75 years and who have been clinically diagnosed with OAB were included in the study. The LiESWT (DUOLITH SD1 T-TOP, AG) applicator was placed on the suprapubic skin area and applied with an intensity of 0.25 mJ/mm2, 3000 pulses, and 3 pulses/second. To assess the therapeutic efficacy, all subjects were required to complete the validated OAB symptoms and life bothersome questionnaires, 3-day urinary diary, uroflowmetry, and post-voided residual urine (PVR) measurement at 4 weeks of LiESWT (W4), 8 weeks of LiESWT (W8), 1-month follow-up (F1), and 3-month follow-up (F3) after LiESWT. Result. 82 subjects with the mean age of were enrolled. The questionnaire scores were significantly improved at W4, W8, F1, and F3 as compared to baseline data (W0). At W8, the mean values of functional bladder capacity were meaningfully increased. According to the 3-day urinary diary, daytime frequency, urgency, and nocturia were significantly decreased. The uroflowmetry results showed that the mean voided urine volume and the maximal flow rate were noticeably increased. PVR volume was also significantly decreased. Conclusions. The data demonstrated that 8-week LiESWT ameliorated the OAB symptoms, promoted the uroflow parameters, and improved the quality of life (QoL) in OAB patients, suggesting that LiESWT might serve as an alternative noninvasive therapy for OAB.
Lee YC, Chuang SM, Lin KL, Chen WC, Lu JH, Chueh KS, Shen MC, Liu LW, Long CY, Juan YS. Biomed Res Int. 2020 Jul 6;2020:9175676. doi: 10.1155/2020/9175676. PMID: 32724817; PMCID: PMC7364200.

Call 916-489-4400 to make an initial hour appointment with me so a history and physical exam and come out with a game plan and we can do a treatment probably that visit as well for bladder issues or any condition below.

Conditions Treated by Shock Wave and EMTT Therapies

Achilles Tendinitis
Avascular Necrosis (hip)
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
Bicep Tendinitis
Bursitis Hip
Calcium Deposits
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Erectile Dysfunction
Fracture Healing
Greater Trochanteric Syndrome (hip pain)
Knee Pain
Low Back Pain
Muscle Strains
Overactive Bladder
Neck Pain (stiff neck)
Neuroma’s (feet)
Neuropathies (feet)
Nocturia (nighttime urination)
Patellar Tendinitis
Plantar Fasciitis
Rotator Cuff Partial Tears
Shin Splints
Shoulder Pain
Sprains & Strains
TMJ Pain
Tennis & Golfer's Elbow
Trapezius Pain
Urinary frequency
Wound Healing

People can sign up for my Health Letter Here.

If people would like to make an appointment with me in person or on the phone regarding Long Hauler's Syndrome please make an appointment by phone or in office with me by calling 916-489-4400.

If you are interested in shock wave (EPAT/ESWT pulsed sound waves) or EMTT (pulsed magnetic fields) for pain management, stimulating healing and/or for erectile dysfunctions make an appointment as well.

I still recommend variations of "Kirk's 21 Day Program" and different fasting regimens (Prolon and Inflamx) for reversal of heart disease, diabetes and overweight issues. If you have concerns about memory, CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome), and/or mold illness those are also areas of significant interest and study for me.

Be Well,


Kirk Hamilton PA-C
Health Associates Medical Group
3301 Alta Arden, Suite 3
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 489-4400 (w)

Role of Sound Waves = Pressure Waves = Acoustic Waves = "Shock Waves" in Healing and Pain Relief

The reason I gave this title to this health letter is because this past weekend I was in Chicago at the Institute for Tissue Regeneration and Repair workshop put on by Curamedix who distributes the radial pressure wave and focused shock wave devices (EPAT/ESWT) which I have been using in the clinical for more than two years along with their newer EMTT device (Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy) which I have been using in the clinic for more than 6 months for almost every kind of pain syndrome. These devices promote healing and tissue regeneration literally from "head to toe."

I generally have been using these devices in combination because they are synergistic in  triggering the body to heal itself with pulsed sound or pressure waves and high oscillating pulsed electromagnetic fields. But each device can be used individually as well. The EMTT device especially can be used painlessly by itself with one’s clothes on for not just pain relief but to promote healing almost anywhere in the body.

These devices not only reduce pain but non-invasively promote healing in virtually any part of the body that has pain or that needs to heal (including wounds and bones). This is called "Regenerative Medicine" when you use techniques or compounds that stimulate the body's own mechanisms to promote healing. I was with practicing physicians from all over the country (actually the world - Germany and the United Kingdom) including an orthopedic surgeon (Instructor, Ludger Gerdesmeyer, MD, PhD, FIPP), an anesthesiologist, many podiatrists, chiropractors and a brilliant physiotherapist from the United Kingdom who was one of the keynote speakers (Paul Hobrough).

One of the hardest things is to explain what radial and focused shock wave therapies produce to promote healing. You can call them pressure waves, sound waves, acoustic waves or "shock waves" (but there is no electrical shock created by these two devices). The radial shock wave device creates a mechanical pressure by compressed air pushing a "pellet" up and down a tube that moves a tip up and down hitting your skin creating a "pressure wave" that goes out in a circular fashion but doesn't go deep into the tissue. In the focused shockwave device a magnetic coil creates a pressure or acoustic wave that goes through your body tissues with it's maximum energy deep in the tissue and hence starts the wave process deeper (i.e. focused shock wave therapy).  The radial device works better in conditions closer to the surface while the focus device works on injuries and pain deeper in the tissues.

The pulsed "sound wave or acoustic" creates in body tissues a release of biochemicals that promote healing:

1)      Neovascularization – the building of new blood vessels

2)      Release of growth factors such as eNOS (endothelial nitric oxide synthase)

3)      VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor)

4)      PCNA (proliferating cell antinuclear antigen)

5)      An anti-inflammatory effect

6)      A breakdown of fibrous tissue

7)      Stimulation of stem cells

Electromagnetic transduction therapy (EMTT) is a promising new technology of treatment based on PEMF (pulse electromagnetic fields) with magnetic field strength between 80 and 150 mT and oscillating frequencies of 120 Hz with each impulse. EMTT acts via electromagnetic transduction. This treatment is also classified as soft tissue engineering therapy. Impulses are emitted by a high-speed generator to build up a voltage up to 30 kV which is released in nanoseconds at an impulse release frequency of 3 Hz. The very short duration of each impulse ensures full electrophysical reaction without any temperature increase in the tissue.

The EMTT device promotes healing by creating high oscillating pulsed electromagnetic fields which allow for deeper tissue penetration and a stronger electromagnetic effect compared to traditional PEMF (pulse electromagnetic fields) which has shown benefit in bone fracture and non-union healing.

Conditions Which Respond to Radial and/or Focused-ESWT and EMTT Therapy
[5-6 Weekly Treatments with all three modalities - $200 (20-30 min/ 1 body area); $250 (30-45 min/ 2 body areas) $300 (45-60 min/ 3 body areas) and/or EMTT alone 15 min 1-2 x week ($80)]

Achilles Tendinitis
Ankle Sprains
Avascular Necrosis (hip)
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
Bicep Tendinitis
Bursitis Hip
Calcium Deposits
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Erectile Dysfunction (10-20) weekly or twice weekly treatments, $200/session)
Fracture Healing
Greater Trochanteric Syndrome (hip pain)
Hamstring injuries
Low Back Pain
Lymphedema (8-12 weekly)
Muscle Strains
Overactive Bladder
Neck Pain (stiff neck)
Neuroma’s (feet)
Neuropathies (feet)
Nocturia (nighttime urination)
Patellar Tendinitis
Plantar Fasciitis
Rotator Cuff Partial Tears
Shin Splints
Shoulder Pain
Tennis Elbow (outside)
Trapezius Pain
Urinary frequency
Wound Healing
...and More

***We don't offer treatment packages. You pay for the visits as you go at each visit.

If You Have Pain Ask Yourself These Questions...Because I Will Ask You Them in Our Visit...

1) What are the 3 things you cannot do as a result of your pain?
2) What are your three goals when pain-free?
3) What will it mean to you if you achieve these goals?

Watch This Webinar of a Family Physician who treats a wide range of conditions like I do with EPAT/EMTT. Start at 10 minutes - turn up speed to 1.25-1.50 if you want to get through the video faster.
Treating from Head to Toe Using Shock Wave, EMTT and More... David Cunningham, MD – Webinar

You can make a FREE 15 minute phone appointment with me to discuss your particular situation
to see if this is an approach you may want. Or, if you are sure you want to try this technology you can make an initial one hour appointment to allow me to take a good medical history of your problem, a physical examination of the area and your pain and give an initial treatment. Call NOW 916-489-4400 to schedule an EPAT or EMTT appointment.

I recommend variations of "Kirk's 21 Day Program" and different fasting regimens (Prolon and Inflamx) for reducing pain along with EPAT and EMTT therapies. You will have a better outcome if you reduce the inflammation in your diet.

I also have a special interest in reversing heart disease, diabetes, overweight and memory loss . If you have concerns about CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome), and/or mold illness these are also areas of significant interest and study for me.

People can sign up for my Health Letter Here.

Be Well,


Kirk Hamilton PA-C
Health Associates Medical Group
3301 Alta Arden, Suite 3
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 489-4400 (w)

Fasting Your Problems Away - 30lb Weight Loss in 10 Weeks - 10 Complaints BETTER!

A 58 year old female who had finished her first Prolon (www., or what is called the "5 Day Fasting Mimicking Diet", added a 2 day water fast ending on 5/17/22. She noted she had a negative colonoscopy on 5/24/22 which on a previous exam showed excess inflammation in the colon. She also had a normal endometrial biopsy (inner lining of the uterus) on 6/27/22 after a previous ultrasound had shown excessive thickness of the endometrium.

Coincidental improvements? Maybe... Or the "fasting" and the weight loss helped! 

She did a second "fast" starting on June 29, 2022 for 5 days - She ate 1 Prolon bar (200-210 cal) and some green olives (5-6 green olives in the afternoon), coffee and herbal teas for 5 days. When she saw me she had done an additional 2 days of water only and then wanted to add 7 more days of a water fasting but made only 3 more because she got Covid. On July, 10 she broke the fast weighing 158 lbs. When I saw her on July 6, she weighed 163.2. She originally was 188 lbs. on May 2, 2022.  That is a 30lb difference in less than 10 weeks. Most of the symptoms she originally came in with are gone.

PROBLEMS (before the two modified fast - and after)
Acid reflux - gone
Anxiety - much better
Fatigue - gone
GERD - acid reflux - gone
Hip pain – left hip - almost completely gone after second "fast"
Heel pain, prickly sensation bilaterally - gone
Mental fogginess - gone
Overweight – 30 lbs. weight loss
Prediabetic - no more
Rosacea x 10 years - improved dramatically

My Clinical Experience with Food Elimination

"Food Elimination is the Most Powerful Medicine"

The first practice I eve r worked in as a physician’s assistant was in Marina Del Rey, CA in 1983. Yep 39 years ago. Every patient that came into this practice was put on a green vegetable puree, psyllium seed husks and a few vitamins for two weeks. In that two week period I saw every complaint improve. From Migraine Headaches to Inflammatory Bowel Disease to Rheumatoid Arthritis to Dramatic Weight Loss and More...

So in all my 39 years of practice I have used different tools and "diets" to get people off what they eat normally to see if they feel better. It is an amazingly simple concept...BUT VERY POWERFUL!
So, I have used:

My basic elimination diet or BED Diet (or variations thereof, page 2); the Inflamx medical food as a meal replacement with just vegetables and minimal fruit; Prolon or the Fasting Mimicking Diet; or even water fasting as mentioned above. When I do pain management work with the shock wave devices and EMTT device mentioned below I always try and get the patient to go on some type of elimination diet first because many times their pain will be reduced 30-80% just by changing their food intake.


If you want to talk to me about a tailored food elimination diet for you just make an appointment (CALL 916-489-4400), let me take a real detailed history and you might be pleasantly surprised what symptoms go away with some type of food elimination diet tailored to what you normally eat.

If you are interested in shock wave (EPAT/ESWT pulsed sound waves) or EMTT (pulsed magnetic fields) for pain management, stimulating healing and/or for erectile dysfunctions make an appointment as well (916-489-4400). I still recommend variations of "Kirk's 21 Day Program" and different fasting regimens (Prolon and Inflamx) for reversal of heart disease, diabetes, overweight and memory loss issues. If you have concerns about CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome), and/or mold illness those are also areas of significant interest and study for me.

People can sign up for my Health Letter Here.

Be Well,


Kirk Hamilton PA-C
Health Associates Medical Group
3301 Alta Arden, Suite 3
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 489-4400 (w)

Knee Pain in Runner from Multiple Injuries and Surgeries Responds to Shockwave Therapy

Case Study of Knee Pain Improved with Shock Wave and Electromagnetic Therapy

This is a case study of a 58 year old female runner who had fallen and over the years had 4 surgeries on her left knee including two meniscus repairs, a ligament release and surgery to clean up debris in her knee. Surgeons say she has a lot of "wear" in her left knee. She has tried other modalities such as cupping, acupuncture, ultrasound and more and nothing has helped. She was interested in prolotherapy initially which our clinic doesn't provide any more.  I explained to her the possibility of her being a good candidate for low frequency shockwave therapy (radial (superficial) and focused (deeper) shockwave) and EMTT (Extracorporeal Magneto Transduction Therapy) which are high oscillating electromagnetic pulses.

Treatment Length and Results

She received 7 weekly combined (RSWT/FSWT) of 5000 pulses (not actual shocks) along with 6000 EMTT pulses in a half hour appointment. After the first treatment (1 week) there was immediate improvement in pain and swelling. The second treatment had minimal effect. After the third treatment (3rd week) she noticed a definite improvement again even though she had gotten an upper respiratory infection so overall she didn't feel well. By the fifth treatment she noticed definite reduced swelling in the medial and inferior aspect of the left knee which was her definite area of most intense discomfort at the beginning of the treatment and she wasn't noticing the treatment being as "painful". I noticed her not flinching as much or none at all over painful areas like in the first one to two treatments. This is a pattern you start to see as the patient heels. Also, by the sixth and seventh weekly treatment she was not having pain going up and down stairs which was a hallmark of her original complaints.

I felt the patient could stop treatments after the 6th or 7th treatment and let the healing biochemicals triggered by the shockwave therapy and EMTT continue which they will for 8-10 weeks. The patient wanted to do just the EMTT treatment (15 minutes only) for another 4 weeks which there is no problem doing.Also, as part of my total treatment plan I put every patient on an anti-inflammatory diet...if they will do it!
Diet Options are:
1) Eat off my BED Diet list (whole food, a palmful or less of animal food per day; no dairy products, no eggs or wheat products ; page 2) for atleast a week (preferrably during the whole treatment period (3-7 weeks).
2) Inflamx 2 scoops in ice water 2-4 x daily with all the vegetables you want cooked anyway except fried or raw and 2-3 pieces of whole fruit daily.
3) The Prolon, the Fasting Mimicking Diet for 5 days
4) Or a water fast for 4-5 days.

If you do an anti-inflammatory diet you will get faster, better and more long lasting results from the treatment. Also appropriate exercise and stretching helps.

FREE PHONE APPOINTMENT: If interested in shockwave and EMTT Therapy for your "painful" body part (s) you can make a FREE 15 minute phone appointment with me whether you are a patient or not and I will let you know if you are a candidate for these therapies. If you are sure you want to try this therapy I need a one hour first time visit at our normal office visit prices to do a history, exam and first treatment. After that treatments are $175 for a half hour (usually 1 body part), $250 for 45 minutes (2-3 body parts) and if needed 60 minutes ($300 for 3-4 body parts). CALL 916-489-4400 TO SET UP AN APPOINTMENT.

The Benefits of Low Intensity Radial and Focused Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT/EPAT) and EMTT (Extracorporeal Magneto Transduction Technology)

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) was first introduced into clinical practice in 1980 as a treatment for non-invasive lithotripsy (destruction of kidney stones with “high energy” SWT) (1). In the last two decades SWT has been commonly used as a treatment for musculoskeletal disorders and the stimulation of bone growth (2) (medium to low frequency SWT). Common orthopedic conditions treated successfully treated include plantar fasciitis (heel), Achilles’ tendinopathies, patellar (kneecap) tendinitis, shoulder and elbow tendon issues, femoral head necrosis, patellar knee pain, osteochondritis and calcified shoulder tendonitis (3-6). Shock wave therapy has also been used to treat recalcitrant angina pectoris (chest pain) possibly due to its ability to stimulate angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation). (7-8) For more than 10 years low intensity shock waves have been used to treat erectile dysfunction (and prostate issues) by improving blood flow and breaking down fibrous tissue (9-11).  EMTT (Extracorporeal Magneto Transduction Therapy) is usually added to the above ESWT modalities but can be used as a stand-alone weekly treatment as well. EMTT’s high oscillation frequency between 100-130 kHz allows these pulsed electromagnetic fields deeper penetration into body tissues. (13-17).

Shockwave treatment is a non-invasive therapeutic intervention without the risks of surgery and postoperative pain that has been used medically for 20-30 years. EMTT is a new technology that has been used in a variety of inflammatory disorders for the last 5 or so years.

Focused and radial shockwaves and EMTT all promote:

1)      Neovascularization – the building of new blood vessels

2)      Release of growth factors such as eNOS (endothelial nitric oxide synthase)

3)      VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor)

4)      PCNA (proliferating cell antinuclear antigen).

5)      An anti-inflammatory effect

6)      A breakdown of fibrous tissue

7)      Stimulation of stem cells

These all lead to the improvement of the blood supply and to an increase in cell proliferation and ultimately tissue regeneration for tissue repair (12).

1.  Lancet. 1980;2(8207):1265–1268.
2.  Sports Med. 2002;32(13):851–865.
3.  JAMA. 2003;290(19):2573–2580.
4.  Am J Sports Med. 2006;34(4):592–596.
5.  Br Med Bull. 2015;116:115–138.
6.  Mater Sociomed. 2018;30(2):131-146.
7.  Clin Cardiol. 2010;33(11):693-9.
8.  Japan. Heart Vessels. 2019;104-113.
9.  Am J Mens Health. 2019;13(2):557988319846749
10. European Urology, 58(2), 243–248.
11. European Urology, 71(2);223–233.
12. Chang Gung Med J. 2003;26:220-232 
13. Krath, A. et al J Orthop.2017;14(3):410-415.
14. Kluter, T. et al., Electromagn Biol Med. 2018;37(4);175-183.
15. Kluter, T. et al., J Orthop Ther. 2018: JORT-1113.
16. Gerdesmeyer, L. et al., J Foot Ankle Surg. 2017; 56(5):964-967.
17. Knobloch K. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 2021 Feb;53(1):82-86. German. REV 3/20/22

People can sign up for my Health Letter Here.

If you are interested in shock wave (EPAT/ESWT pulsed sound waves) or EMTT (pulsed magnetic fields) for pain management, stimulating healing and/or for erectile dysfunctions make an appointment as well. I still recommend variations of "Kirk's 21 Day Program" and different fasting regimens (Prolon and Inflamx) for reversal of heart disease, diabetes and overweigh t issues. If you have concerns about memory, CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome), and/or mold illness those are also areas of significant interest and study for me.

Be Well,


Kirk Hamilton PA-C
Health Associates Medical Group
3301 Alta Arden, Suite 3
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 489-4400 (w)

Beans are a Super Food! Great for Your Heart, Blood Sugar and Brain Health....and Cheap!

I just rinse the beans; throw them dry in my InstaPot; pour in 4-5 parts or more of water
(water to beans, etc. 1 cup dry beans to 4-5 cups water); shake in every herb I have within
arms' reach!; seal the lid; press the 'pressure' cook button; select the time of 25-28 minutes.
Let it go overnight and the beans are ready and soft in the morning or when you come back
from work if done in the morning. There should be 3-4 parts or more of "herbal bean broth"
in the pot with cooked beans. You can directly from there add some vegetables and more
herbs and heat up an excellent bean and vegetable soup quickly. Or, use a strainer spoon
to just get the beans and use them for dips, over rice, etc. And you can freeze them for use
at a later date. Simple and time efficient! I don't follow the directions on the InstaPot. Just
use my past experience. I have under-cooked a few batches of beans by not using enough
water and cooking time - i.e. like one cup of water and not enough cooking time, like 10 minutes....
More water (4-5:1) and more cooking time (25 + minutes) makes it easy and the warming or
slow cooking overnight, or, cooking while you are at work makes this SOOOOO easy to prepare...
in literally 5 minutes. Try it!

Watch Neurologist Dr. Ayesha Sherzai talk of the health benefits of beans

Please share if you feel so inclined.

People can sign up for my Health Letter Here.


If people would like to make an appointment with me in person or on the phone regarding
Covid 19 - Prevention, Early Treatment, Long Hauler's Syndrome or recovering from possible
vaccine side effects please make an appointment by phone or in office with me by calling 916-489-4400.

If you are interested in shock wave (EPAT/ESWT pulsed sound waves) or EMTT (pulsed magnetic fields) for pain management, stimulating healing and/or for erectile dysfunctions make an appointment as well.

I still recommend variations of "Kirk's 21 Day Program" and different fasting regimens (Prolon and Inflamx) for reversal of heart disease, diabetes and overweight issues. If you have concerns about memory, CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome), and/or mold illness those are also areas of significant interest and study for me.

Be Well,


Kirk Hamilton PA-C
Health Associates Medical Group
3301 Alta Arden, Suite 3
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 716-2295 (m) / (916) 489-4400 (w)

Got Pain? Try Shock Wave!

I have been applying low dose shock wave technology for multiple health conditions since May of 2020.

First the focus was erectile dysfunction of which there is definite benefit with these pulsed sound waves (sometimes marketed as acoustic waves), especially when used in conjunction with lifestyle (heart healthy diet and exercise), certain nutraceuticals that enhance nitric oxide release (available here Affirm or at our office), testosterone therapy if needed by prescription (or enhancement also available at Health Associates) and low dose Cialis (cost between $10-20 cash per month). And you have to have a good relationship for sexual relations! Make a Free 15 minute appointment by phone or in person with me to discuss if you are a good candidate (916-489-4400) for shock wave therapy and this combined approach for ED.

Shock Wave For Pain. A Non-Invasive Treatment That Stimulates Tissue Healing and Regeneration. A Saturday Morning Well Spent!

This past weekend (7/24/21) I spent a morning in Littleton, Colorado with Dr. Hani Saeed owner of the Red Rock Ankle and Foot Center who is a pioneer in using shock wave therapy in treating chronic and acute pain as well as injuries. It is the second time I have gone to Colorado and train/observed a “Master” at his craft reducing pain and enhance healing utilizing low dose shock wave therapy with the same radial and focused shock wave devices that I have been using at Health Associates since May, 2020 which are manufactured by Storz Medical.

On a busy Saturday morning we saw fourteen or so very appreciative patients for 20-30 to minute treatments of a wide variety of acute and chronic joint, muscle, tendon and chronic pain issues as well as difficult neuropathy patients. Almost everyone had immediate improvement and would walk, stand or move better and with less pain right after the treatment. Patients came from all over Colorado and a few out of state patients were seen. Aside from his unique technique in applying shock wave therapy Dr. Saeed is incredibly positive, patient focused, caring and it’s obvious his patients love him and have tremendous confidence that he will help them heal.

Since I have been doing this since May of 2020 and having success with patients with all kinds of chronic pain in issues (feet, ankles, calves, knees, hips, groins, shoulders, hands, wrists, backs, necks, TMJ, lymph edema…just about any body part that hurts) it made it much easier to pick up the little things from a “Master” to make my treatments more effective and efficient. While there is a lot of evidenced based research on shock wave therapy for a wide variety of conditions it is also and art form to administer it.

Shock wave therapy is NOT an electric shock, but pulsed sound waves. The radial device we call the “little jack hammer” works by compressed air pushing a pellet up and down a tube, pushing a tip up and down to create the shock wave on the surface of your skin. This device disperses it’s maximum energy on the surface of the skin. This device is sometimes called a radial pressure wave device. The focused shock wave device uses a magnetic coil to create the shock wave (sound wave) whose maximum strength goes centimeters into the tissue which allows for healing deeper in tissues, even to bone.

Shock wave therapy has been shown to promote (See Shock Wave Benefits and Function):

1) Neovascularizatioin –the building of new blood vessels
2) Release of growth factors such as eNOS (endothelial nitric oxide synthase)
3) VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor)
4) PCNA (proliferating cell antinuclear antigen).
5) An anti-inflammatory effect
6) A breakdown of fibrous tissue
7) Stimulation of stem cells

If you improve blood flow to any area healing occurs much more rapidly and completely. This technology has even been used to treat resistant angina pectoris (chest pain) because it can improve blood flow in the heart. Stem cell enhancement is a long-term healing component of this technology as well. So there is usually a relatively immediate effect in a lot of cases but a long-term healing effect occurs after the treatment is stopped.

Try this experiment just Google “Pub Med - Shock Wave Therapy - and your pain condition” and see what pops up in the National Library of Medicine. You will be surprised how much supportive data there is on this non-invasive technology using sound waves. If interested you can make a FREE 15 minute appoint (by phone or in office) to tell me your issue and I will tell you if I think I can help you (Call the office 916-489-4400 and ask for a free 15 Minute Phone EPAT visit with Kirk).

If we decide that shock wave is a good approach for your condition the first time I meet with you is a 60-75 minute office visit in which I include the treatment in that initial visit. I have to know your medical history, medications, diet and do a focused exam on that body part. After that most treatments are 20-30 minutes for 1 or sometimes 2 body areas and cost $150. The treatments are done 5-7 days a part for 3-5 treatments. This is not a one treatment and your are “cured” therapy. Each treatment builds off the prior session.

At that initial visit I will talk to you about an anti-inflammatory and healing diet as well. Food makes a '‘HUGE” difference in pain reduction and healing. So I use the BED Diet (pg 2), modified fasting types of diets with meals replacements (Inflamx) and/or Prolon to reduce your pain quickly, speed healing and give you more “bang for your buck!”. One to three nutraceuticals that help with pain will usually be recommended.

I also was introduced to an excellent CBD cream for almost immediate pain relief by Dr. Saeed that I have begun using post treatment as well. It has to be ordered by a licensed health professional. If you come in for a treatment I will apply this cream usually after the treatment and many times you will feel an immediate pain relieving effect.

Call 916-489-4400 for the 15 minute FREE visit or to set up a 60-75 minute initial visit with the first treatment.

Be Well,

Kirk Hamilton PA-C
Health Associates Medical Group
Prescription 2000, Inc.
3301 Alta Arden, Suite 3
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 716-2295 (m) / (916) 489-4400 (w)

Knee "Arthritis" Disappears - Shockwave Treatment, Food Intolerance or Gut Health?

An 81 year old male came into the office complaining of bilateral knee pain which most importantly was making it difficult for him to run the bases and playing softball that he loves. He was told by his orthopedist that he could have a knee replacement on his right knee whenever he was ready….or when the pain gets bad enough! The patient also had knee pain when he climbed up stairs. He was eating dairy products daily (i.e. milk, some cheese) and was eating eggs several times per week. He was also on two hypertensive medications and carrying a “good size belly” where he could easily lose 15-20 lbs. He also had a chronic fungus infection on both of his feet. He applied Aspercreme® to his knees for pain temporary pain relief.

Patient’s Quick Knee Pain Reduction and Weight Loss
I talked to this patient on the phone about getting EPAT (shock wave therapy) and took a quick diet history and told him before he even received a treatment to stop all milk products, eggs and wheat and just eat whole food. It would save him time and money because I was going to tell him to do it when he came in for his first office visit and treatment.

When he came in he already had some pain reduction in his knees after a few days on the diet. After the first treatment I put him on an anti-inflammatory pea and rice protein meal replacement 2 scoops twice daily (Inflamx) with a mixed meal and snacks from foods off my BED Diet (see acceptable food list ). Because of his chronic foot fungus (and believing this mostly comes from the gut ) I put him on a Fluconazole (anti-fungal medication) 200 mg per day for 14 days. I had him take 2 pills twice daily of an anti-inflammatory joint support supplement called Freedom Joint Support Formula and gave him a shock wave treatment to both knees using both the Focused and Radial shock wave devices.

He returned in a week for his second treatment. He said the treatment “Worked Wonders!” His knee pain was significantly reduced within 3 days. He could run the bases at his last soft ball game. He was happy. He also had lost 4 lbs that week. So he was given his second treatment and told to keep doing what his is doing. Don’t stop with the diet for now, finish the anti-fungal treatment and keep taking his supplements.

Comment: So the patient believes that the EPAT treatments were great! But I reminded him as much as I am a fan of the shock wave therapy that getting off dairy and eggs, starting an anti-fungal program, taking an anti-inflammatory nutritional supplement and doing quad strengthening exercises played a big role. My gut feeling is that the food elimination played the biggest role.

So we’ll do somewhere between 3 to 5 EPAT treatments 5-7 days a part and see what happens. My hope is he continues to lose weight. My bigger goals are to not just getting him to be pain free so he can play better soft ball (which is really important), but have the patient continue to lose weight and eventually within 6 months to a year get him off his two blood pressure medications. If he is open I would like him to do the 5 day per month Prolon - The Fasting Mimicking Diet for the next 3-6 months to get him to that space of weight and blood pressure normalization, as well as the benefits that come along with fasting (central weight loss, lipid reduction, glucose stabilization, inflammation reduction, increased autophagy and stem cell stimulation).

How Most Medical Professional View Join Pain or Osteoarthritis

So most medical people will look at bilateral (both) knee arthritis in an 81 year old as normal “wear- and-tear” with age and this along with some pain is expected. They are not going to think that food (daily dairy products and eggs) could play a role in his knee pain, and really not see a connection between his toenail fungus (his gut/microbiome) and his knee pain.

Well this is my “wheel house!” In 1983 in the first medical practice I worked in in Marina Del Rey (yep 38 years ago!) every new patient was put on a green vegetable smoothie mixed with psyllium seed husks and a few vitamins for two weeks. I saw all kinds of conditions improve on this relatively extreme elimination diet - joint pain, inflammatory bowel disease, bloating and digestive disorders, constipation, sinus congestion, headaches, “foggy brainess”, muscle aches and many more common symptoms people go to a doctor for. Lesson?…food intolerance can cause any and many symptoms that we dismiss as “normal.”

Over the years from doing a lot of different types of elimination diets - eating whole foods and eliminating common allergens such as dairy, wheat, eggs, sugar, alcohol and caffeine at least for a couple of weeks, I’ve observed all kinds of pain syndromes improve just with diet. [References: Diet and Food Intolerance Causing Knee Pain 1) 2) 3) ]

Then when you add treating the gut for overgrowth of certain bacteria, or treating yeast/fungus and improving digestion even more symptoms improve in addition to the benefits from eliminating commonly eaten foods. [Gut Microbiome and Joint Pain References: 1) 2) 3) 4) ]

Now when you add shockwave treatment (focused and radial pulsed sound waves) on top of an elimination diet and treating the gut (anti-fungal fungal therapy) pain can be significantly and quickly reduced more effectively than with the shock wave treatments by themselves. [Knee Pain Benefited by Shock Wave Therapy References: 1) 2) 3) 4) ]

Shock wave therapy (focused and/or radial - I use both in each treatment) has the following physiological effects which can cause pain reduction immediately but more importantly the healing response continues over several weeks. So there can be immediate improvement that wears off in a day or two, but is less than when you started. Then over the next 3-5 treatments every 5-7 days the process of pain reduction and healing continues from the mechanisms below. (See Shock Wave Benefits and Function)

1) Neovascularizatioin –the building of new blood vessels
2) Release of growth factors such as eNOS (endothelial nitric oxide synthase)
3) VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor)
4) PCNA (proliferating cell antinuclear antigen).
5) An anti-inflammatory effect
6) A breakdown of fibrous tissue
7) Stimulation of stem cells

One body part usually takes 15-25 minutes of actual treatment with the shock wave (or EPAT) therapy. The treatments are not generally painful but can be somewhat uncomfortable, but very tolerable.

Most chronic or acute pain conditions can be treated with shock wave therapy as the only treatment or an wholistic approach like this above case which I prefer and think is more effective. The fee is $150 per treatment per body part (multiple body parts treated in a 1/2 hr $150; 3/4 hr $200, 1 hr $250).

The first visit is a 60-75 minutes whether you are an established or new patient which includes a treatment within the normal office charge for that visit.

If you want to schedule a Free 15 minute phone visit to discuss your problem to see if I think I can help you with EPAT (shock wave therapy) call (916) 489-4400 or make a visit and get going. This case is indicative of how I approach people. While there is a focus on a body part I am thinking of all of you and your overall state of health that should improve as we treat your specific pain issues.

Be Well,

Kirk Hamilton PA-C
Health Associates Medical Group
Prescription 2000, Inc.
3301 Alta Arden, Suite 3
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 716-2295 (m) / (916) 489-4400 (w)

Highlights From the "Brain Health Summit - Addressing the 4 M's of Brain Aging" January 26-27, 2021

The speakers were very knowledgeable and generally excellent. While some of the lectures were technical and research oriented there were a lot of simple take-home points that if implemented can benefit you right now.

The speakers slides for each lecture, except one, are linked to the titles below. You can scroll through them and pick out information that is of interest to you. I make short commentaries regarding each talk to give my “on-the-spot” recalled impression.

Overview of “Brain Health Summit”

As always the PREVENTION of cognitive decline, memory loss and dementia should be your focus rather than waiting to treat severe cognitive issues once they have become obvious. This takes self-awareness, education and courage to look at yourself  and then take action. If you are a spouse, partner or support person it takes courage as well to be honest with your partner and take action.

Listening to all the speakers and some luminaries such as Dr. Dale Bredesen (author of “The End of Alzheimer’s” and “The End of Alzheimer’s Program” “The First Survivors of Alzheimer's: How Patients Recovered Life and Hope in Their Own Words” ), there is so much hope! Someday in the near future Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative conditions will be treated as chronic diseases that are to be managed and not feared. As of right now it is important to act SOONER than later!

Cognitive Loss and Alzheimer’s Disease are Different “Animals”

As I have said many times before, memory and cognitive loss are not like heart disease or diabetes where there are medical treatments that can buy you time for years, then you can dramatically reverse these diseases with aggressive lifestyle change. Once you get to a certain point of memory loss or cognitive decline, the ability and resources to institute a complexed, energy intensive, anti-dementia treatment program is generally too overwhelming (and costly) for most individuals and families and sadly is then not implemented effectively…..BUT!…

Two messages were clear from this Conference (Speakers)…

A) There is Much Hope in preventing and in some cases reversing cognitive decline with a multi-modal approach and trying to correct the underlying imbalances that lead to beta amyloid or tau tangle deposition and…
B) Start Right Now!
1) Walk/move every day – 60 minutes total or more…exercise is a freebie for memory and cognitive enhancement!
2) Eat whole, unprocessed foods, mostly plants (that reduce your blood sugar < 90; A1C <5.7; fasting insulin <10 then <6)
3) Get Sleep! (my weak area! 7-9 hrs nightly)
4) Reduce overwhelming stress
5) Live purposeful, enjoyable and challenging lives to retain cognitive function and memory.
There is a lot more but these are the relative "Freebie" basics to cognitive wellness.

Secondary Areas to Work On In Conjunction With the Above Basics…
(Most of these tests are paid for by Medicare or private insurance. Unfortunately, HMOs do not pay for these tests so they are out of pocket for these patients)

Nutritional Deficiencies - Identify & Replace - Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Fatty Acids, etc.
Hormone Deficiencies - Identify & Replace - Testosterone, Estrogen, DHEA, Pregnenelone, Thyroid
Toxin Identification & Detoxification - Heavy Metals, Mold, Chemicals, etc.
Infection Identification & Treatment  - Lyme, Fungus, Viruses - EBV, Herpes, CMV, overgrowth of gut pathogens – may do selective trials of anti-rivals, anti-fungals or antibiotics

When imbalances in these areas (or “holes in the roof” as Dr. Bredesen states) are corrected there is an up-regulation of synaptic organization and neuronal health which results in improved brain function and less production of amyloid plaque and tau tangles, resulting in improved cognition and memory.

Scroll Through These Excellent Slide Presentations from the Speakers at the “Brain Health Summit June 26 & 27, 2021” to understand more about brain health and take action for you and your loved ones.  (Speaker Bios)

The 4M’s of he Aging Brain: Memory, Mood, Mobility and Mojo
Sheldon Jordan, M.D. FAAN, UCLA and USC Dept of Neurology, Neurological Associates, The Interventional Group The Regenesis Project, Moderator of conference and practicing neurologist. There is much hope, but you have to act now. Very practical talk. Emphasis was on noticing early memory loss cues and acting on them that involve memory, your mood (i.e. depression, lack of motivation); mobility issues such as falling or difficulty walking and general zest for living (Mojo). Slides (1-25) are excellent and easy to understand. Dr. Jordan’s message is to act now!

A Brain Doctor’s Guide to Healthy Aging Gary Small, MD, Chair of Psychiatry Hackensack University Medical Center, Behavioral Health Physician in Chief, Hackensack Meridian Health, Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry, University of California, Los Angeles
Good “Healthy Aging” lifestyle review from slides 39 on. Practical things you can do. He has a good book worth getting “The Memory Bible.” At  there are excellent resources and books. 

Mood and the Inflamed Brain, Edward Bullmore, MB, PhD.
Inflammation causing pain can be correlated to depression which inflammation aggravates. Inflammation is one of the causes of Alzheimer’s disease. C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of vascular and body inflammation, is elevated in treatment resistant depression.  His book “The Inflamed Mind” elaborates on this topic. Dr. Bullmore is a professor of neuroscience at the University of Cambridge, UK.

Good Bugs and Bad Bugs of the Nose, Mouth and Gut, Sabine Jordan, MD Gastroenterologist 
Excellent talk regarding how important the gut is in mental health, Alzheimer’s disease, and all chronic diseases with an emphasis on the importance of bacterial diversity in our gut for overall health. Dr. Jordan is also an expert in fecal transplantation, it’s benefit in inflammatory diseases and also some illness that effect behavior. She shows the correlation of oral and gut microbes to the occurrences of neurodegenerative disease such as MS, ALS, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s. She starts the slide show with some thought provoking quotes. “All diseases begin in the gut,” and “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates 470-360 B.C. “The Father of Medicine”. Another two were “One of the first duties of a physician is to inform the masses not to take medicine,” William Osler (1849-1919).  “The aim of medicine is to prevent disease and prolong life, the ideal of medicine is to eliminate the need of a physician.”   William James Mayo (1861-1931). Dr. Jordan also coins a term called “Globesity” and share statistics on the obesity epidemic around the world.  Easy slides to look at.

Herbs for Mood, Stress and Sleep Tereza Hubkova, MD
A good review of some herbs, including dosing protocols, that are beneficial for stress, mood and sleep problems which are common problems in those with cognitive issues. Sleep is critical for proper brain function and memory – Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, Holy Basil, St. John’s Wort, Passion Flower, Valerian root, Lavender, Chamomile, Green Tea with L-theanine, Gotu Kola, Bacopa Monnieri, Nervines, Lemon Balm, Turmeric/Curcumin, Lion’s Mane are reviewed with function and doses given.

Chronic Brain Infection: The Brain’s Microbiome and Immuno-Senescence, Neurologist Sheldon Jordan, MD  A thoughtful commentary on the reduced immune function that occurs as we age letting dormant virus’s and other infections agents manifest into illness which may effect cognition. Dr. Jordan suggests screening for cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes viruses, EBV, chlamydia, syphilis, fungus which may be worth treating with medications if antibodies are elevated in many neurological illness from Parkinson’s to Alzheimer’s disease. The old concept that the blood brain barrier (BBB) is impenetrable is not accurate. The BBB is known to leak.  

Proteinaceous Toxins Plug Up the Glymphatic System and How Sleep Would Set Them Free, Maiken Necergaard, MD, DMSc
Incredibly powerful, eloquent but very technical presentation with a very simple message. Sleep is vital and directly related to detoxifying the brain because of the brain’s own lymph system (Glymphatic System) which is activated at night and literally cleans the brain of waste. This Glymphatic System is also dependent on a strong, slower pulse rate, a sign of cardiovascular fitness. Sleep, sleep, sleep…is so important for your brain, memory and cognition. You just have to do it if you are concerned about optimizing brain health. Definitely worth reviewing the slides just to reinforce how valuable sleep is for memory and cognition through the detoxification process of this brain lymph system.

Good Oxygen and Bad Oxygen – Mitochondria, Oxidative Stress and Neurodegeneration, Dayan Goodenowe, PhD  
Dr. Goodenowe is very smart and reviews “slowly” a very complexed topic of oxidative stress related to chronic diseases, especially neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, MS and Alzheimer’s diseases. He reviews how oxidative stress effects cell membranes negatively and sets the stage for the role of “plasmalogens” in the treatment of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases. Having adequate amounts of B-vitamins, CoQ10, cysteine by taking N-Acetylcysteine, along with acetyl-L-carnitine and plasmalogen supplementation (omega-9 for white matter/inflammation; omega-3 for neuronal degradation) are beneficial for these conditions. A lot of biochemistry. Very important topic. But not for the lay person unless they love biochemistry.

Good Fat and Bad Fat – Plasmalogens, Membranes, and Brain Function, Dayan Goodenowe, PhD   Acetylcholine transmission is key in cognition and memory in general and in Alzheimer’s disease. Plasmalogens are a subclass of phospholipids, mainly found in the cell membranes that are important for optimal release of acetyl-choline from the synapse. Plasmalogens have been found to be low in neurodegenerative disorders and supplementation of different types of plasmalogens have improved cognitive function. Reduced levels of plasmalogen ethanolamine (PlsEtns) in the plasma are associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer and respiratory disease [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. Possible mechanisms of action of PlsEtns include helping maintain the membrane physical bilayer properties to facilitating membrane fusion and the signal transduction processes, including cholesterol efflux [8, 9]; preventing oxidative stress; and reducing the inflammatory response [7, 10,11,12,13].

According to Dr. Goodenowe the optimal levels of lipids for brain function are: fasting triglycerides less than 100 with 60-80 being ideal. Triglyceride levels less than 60 suggest malnourishment or excessive exercise. HDL-cholesterol levels should be over 50, ideally 60-70.. Total cholesterol over 200 with an hsCRP <1.0,  homocysteine <10, DHA-Plasmalogens > 75th percentile are optimal. These are the bare minimum according to Dr. Goodenowe for a healthy lipid profile. I am excited about these plasmalogens which can be taken as a supplement.

The moderator of this “Brain Health Summit,” neurologist Dr. Sheldon Jordan, M.D., who has used these products in his neurology practice said there has been some remarkable improvement in cognition in his patients and he puts plasmalogens on his “must supplement list” for his Alzheimer’s and neurodegenerative disorder patients. He strongly recommends their use.. Go here to learn more about Dr. Goodenowe’s work with plasmalogens and here to obtain these products. A reasonable therapeutic trial for memory issues is to start with the ProdromeNeuro Oil with a loading dose of 1 ml/20 drops in a teaspoons mixed in 8-10 oz of fluid 3 x day for a week and then 1 ml/20 drops per day for the next 3 weeks to see if you get a response. The product is pricey but if it performs as good as patient anecdotes suggests then it will be well worth it. You should really start with two bottles to be able to give the loading dose of three times per day for the first week. Order by phone (1-951-550-0505) and provide them with this discount code for 25% off (MKWIKER25.) In the near future you will be able to put this code in and order online.  So it is still pricey (2 bottles for $300 with discount code vs. $400) but for those with definite cognitive issues give it a try for a solid month. I am trying this product on my cognitive decline patients (and myself) so I will have a better feel for this supplement within the next two months.

Brain Assailants and Shaking the Jello, Neurologist Vernon Williams
Dr. Williams reviews the history of traumatic brain injury from athletics, the military and other traumatic injuries including how to evaluate concussed individuals, the different criteria, physical assessment and how to follow and treat these individuals back to health. One standout point that Dr. Williams emphasizes is for the patient to do vigorous “non-contact” aerobic exercise after being concussed which helps improve and speed recovery.

Staggering, Falling and Hydrocephalus, Neurosurgeon Garni Barkhoudarian, MD Maximizing Memory and Improving Ambulation Through Endoscopic and Traditional Management of Hydrocephalus
Dementia related to normal pressure hydrocephalus, fluid in the ventricles of the brain, can be misinterpreted as dementia. Dr. Barkhoudarian notes when a patient with cognitive issues has symptoms of frequent urination and urgency, falling or loss of balance, and a shuffling gait with difficulty turning around this may be a treatable form of  presumed dementia that can be resolved by putting a shunt in place to reduce the pressure in the brain.  

Diet for Brain Health: We Are What We Eat
Amylee Amos MS, RDN, IFMCP  the founder of the Amos Institute gave an excellent talk on a more Mediterranean style diet, mostly plant-based, rich in colored and green vegetables, berries, and healthy fats and how this can benefit cognitive decline patients. Amylee is a registered dietician who specializes in Alzheimer’s disease treatment with a focus on following the Bredesen protocol emphasizing whole foods, mostly plant-based with healthy fats that create a mild ketosis (or ketoflex) and is individualized to the patient. Amylee offers video conference consultations and programs to help cognitive decline patients follow the Bredesen protocol (Dale Bredesen interview) diet program. Excellent talk and presentation for patients and medical professionals alike.

Riding the Wave of Life, Michael Eselun, BCC (no slides); Oncology chaplain who works cancer patients at UCLA
Chaplain Eselun spoke with no slides off the top of his head for one hour. Very impressive, thought provoking and moving. Here are some “one liners” to think about from his talk…Also I recommending looking at some of his videos and see what grabs you.

Why do you get up in the morning? What is your daily purpose now in the context of your illness?

The language of a chronic illness is the imagery of being at war or in a battle with the illness.

The illness is part of the patient, part of God and one has to love it – spiritual view.
What happens when our faith doesn’t explain our illness?
Agnostic view – a dance with a tiger.

Disease as punishment or it is testing me.

What is my relationship to this spiritual crisis.

Ride the disease like a wave. Enjoy the ride. We may be powerless over the wave (illness). What happens when recognize we can’t control the wave. But we have the power on how we ride the wave. What if it is nobody’s fault? You just come to ride with the wave. Ride the disease like a rip tide. Relax initially. Go with it. Then start to swim back. May we all ride the wave with an open heart and receive the gifts that may come.

Come to peace with powerlessness of getting the disease. Just accepting that we may be powerless on getting the disease. But we have the power on how we respond to the disease (experience).

What is the gift of the cancer? Don’t try and explain it.

Maybe we need the death of a career path..

Patients are many times overwhelmed with love from people they know or don’t know.

Come to be at peace with powerlessness.

We all want to be seen in our life situation.

Always ask open ended questions to patients…What is this situation like for you?

I don’t have any comments except I just enjoyed his lecture. Kind of stops you in your tracks going from one topic to the next. I like the concept of not being able to stop the wave (illness) but we have a choice on how to ride it!  

Brain Rejuvenation with Damage Repair, Aubrey de Grey, PhD
Dr. de Grey has a unique view of looking at aging and how to manage it. Page 9 on the slides, The “7 Deadly Things” explains his philosophy on the “damage and maintenance” model of slowing aging.

Brain & Nutrition: Science and Clinical Application of Fasting & FMD (Non-CME)
Rafael Gonzalez, PhD

I am very familiar with the Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet and think it is a great tool not just for the clinician but for the patient to self-regulate their diet patterns and gain control of their health. Aside from the physiologic benefits of the five day “fast” of central weight loss, lipid, glucose and inflammation reduction, and the stimulation of autophagy (or “self-eating” the body's way of cleaning out damaged cells in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells) and finally stem cell production, is the resetting of dietary habits and cravings, and the recognition that food causes many of our common daily symptoms. In addition the awareness that we don’t need as much food as we think we do makes this program so valuable. If you just do the fast repetitively, at least 3 months in a row (5 days each month) then 3-4 times a year you will gain much better control of the foods you eat and probably most of your health issues will either disappear or be dramatically reduced.   

Reversing Neuronal Aging at the Cellular Level, Neurologist Dale Bredesen, MD
His lecture was excellent as usual.  I have heard him speak many times. I have taken training under Dale Bredesen, MD twice. Interviewed him on a podcast. My handout here has an in depth summary of his two books and outline of his approach. He will be coming out with a new book in August, 2021 of the personal stories of patients who have reversed their cognitive decline and/or Alzheimer’s disease. Look for it and get it. Reading the personal stories of people who have recovered may be motivating enough to get people to follow his multi-pronged approach. It is not easy. Especially when the individual already has significant cognitive decline. You can assess people and find all the parameters and imbalances that Dr. Bredesen says are of importance and create a plan to implement this approach. But if people don’t realize how much work it is, and continued to work for a lifetime, the plan never gets implemented fully. THE KEY IS TO START EARLY LIVING A HEATLHY LIFESTYLE AND TREATING THE IMBALANCES YOU CAN NOW TO SLOW, STOP OR HOPEFULLY REVERSE THIS CONDITION!

Visualizing the Brain Across the Lifespan, Taylor Kuhn, PhD
Dr. Taylor reviews different imaging techniques for the brain and their use in cognitive issues.

The Grim Reaper Clock Resides in the Hypothalamus and Can Be Reset, Neurologist Sheldon Jordan, MD
Germ cell progenitors are cells that form reproductive cells, gametes
- Oocytes, egg Cell, sperm Cell
Stem cell is a cell capable of either copying itself or differentiating into a somatic cell
Somatic cell is a cell that is differentiated to perform certain specialized functions
 - A neuron is a somatic cell of brain that engages in networking required for cognition
 - A microglia is a brain resident somatic cell that is a creator and destroyer
 - Exosomes are a little packet of instructions, messages released by one cell that may influence the function of another cell
The aging clock is in the hypothalamus. It releases exosomes that effect the pineal gland.
The pineal gland controls the thymus through the secretion of melatonin and other factors which are important factor in the decline of our immune system. The pineal gland’s output of melatonin markedly decreases with age.

Optimizing the microbiome from bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites from our nose, mouth and gut effect cognition.

Focused ultrasound is a novel treatment for neurologic issues that has promise in cases such as dementia.

Biofilm can seal off infective agents such as spirochetes or porphyromonas gingivalis that may cause dementia that manifest as the immune system declines with age.

Inflammation can be triggered from the gut.

The blood brain barrier can “leak” leading to neurodegeneration, proteinopathy, blockage of Glymphatics and reduce blood flow leading to reduced synaptic function.

Bad fats in cell membranes can lead to cognitive decline. Plasmalogen precursor supplementation can lead to improved cognitive function in Alzheimer’s patients.

Progressive Degeneration of the Brain
Nasal, oral, gastrointestinal biome
Immunosenescence and inflammaging
Dysbiosis in nose and gut
Loss of barrier function, loss of immunocompetency
Brain infection
Inflammation, microglial activation
Neuronal damage
Damage to stem cells, synapses
Sleep disruption
Loss of neurovascular coupling
Energetics and redox stress
Disruption of particulate drainage systems

Treatment Strategy in Sequential Order
Evaluate for chronic infections that worsen immunosenescence and inflammaging such as CMV, vituses, fungi, bacteria
Nasal, oral, gastrointestinal biome check
Antibiotics/Antifungals/Anti-virals for possible bacterial, fungal, viral infections
Antitoxin measures for gingipains, mycotoxins...others?
Dental Health, blue light
Nutritional supplementation, diet, fasting, probiotics for nose, mouth and gut, fecal transplantation
Exercise, mobility
Medications for immune support?
Plasmapheresis, autophagy support
Stem cell and exosome with target in delivery

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease are multifactorial in causation with immunosenescence likely producing both direct and indirect effects from microbial growth and other sources of inflammation. Inflammation and infection are likely to damage both somatic cells and natural stem cells. Effective treatment will likely require both neutralization of the toxic and damaging effects of immunosenescence as well as targeted delivery of regenerative factors such as stem cells and exosomes.

In Closing…
Truth be told Alzheimer’s disease is 20 or so years in the making by the time MCI (mild cognitive impairment) occurs. That is why for patients of Health Associates Medical group, schedule (916-489-4400) with me a FREE 15 minute appointment to take the MoCA Test (Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test) which is an excellent screen for cognitive decline and pick up my handout on Alzheimer’s Disease and Cognition Prevention and Reversal (or you can print it out here). If you would like me to spend 60 minutes going over the MoCA results with you and outlining a “cognition enhancing” work-up and plan we can do this for $150 which is our half hour Medicare office visit price. We are offering this price because we want everyone to be able to get going on a cognitive prevention and enhancing program right now. If you are a non-established patient I will include the test in our initial new patient office visit charge and spend 90 instead of 60 minutes so I can do the test and get a detailed medical history and outline a cognitive enhancement plan at that time.  

In some circles Alzheimer’s disease is considered the third leading cause of death behind Heart Disease (#1) and Cancer (#2). The good news is the preventive diet and lifestyle for the #1 and #2 killers on the planet are very similar to an Alzheimer’s and cognition prevention diet and lifestyle recommendations in “The 30 Day Alzheimer’s Solution (read pages 1-87).” The difference is you can get away with delaying heart disease and cancer to a certain extent because of medical treatments, but with cognitive issues there still isn’t any new medical therapy of significant benefit, even the recently publicized release of the drug Aduhelm (aducanumab), whose mechanism of action is to remove beta amyloid a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. Removing beta amyloid, without changing the multi-factorial causes of AD will not result in long-term success.

Make a FREE 15 minute MoCA appointment today. Call 916-489-4400.

Kirk Hamilton PA-C
Health Associates Medical Group
Prescription 2000, Inc.
3301 Alta Arden, Suite 3
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 716-2295 (m) / (916) 489-4400 (w)





Two Choices for "Free" Cognitive Assessment Testing (MoCA Test) At Health Associates

The MoCA Test (Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test) is a simple, quick standardized 10-15 minute test to evaluate you for mild, moderate or severe cognitive impairment which are early transition steps to dementia or Alzheimer’s disiease. If you are a patient at Health Associates you can get the test for free in one of two ways.

OPTION 1) Make a 15 minute appointment with me (Kirk Hamilton PA-C). Say its for a free 15 minute MoCA Test and say you are an established patient. The test will be completed, you will get a score and my handout for cognitive decline where you can review risk factors, possible laboratory tests and treatment approaches for various levels of cognitive decline and read about preventive things you can do. At this visit I will only be delivering the test. Any further discussion after the test results are given will necessitate an office visit at our normal office charges. A visit to go over a plan for cognitive decline will take an hour to an hour and a half and usually some in depth laboratory testing will be recommended.

OPTION 2) A 75 min office visit with me which will includes a free MoCA Test and also you will have your medical, dietary and environmental history taken with a focus on revealing risk factors for cognitive decline and setting a plan for further testing, and a lifestyle plan including a diet, exercise, sleep hygiene, stress management and suggestions for positive and purposeful life challenges (NEURO Plan). If extensive testing and a treatment plan is to be initiated there would be a followup visit 3-4 weeks down the line for an hour after testing is complete. Test results usually take 2-4 weeks for all the results to come back. Once you get past the preventive aspect of cognitive care it becomes more time consuming to review your lifestyle plan as well as update and follow treatment plans for specific areas that effect cognitive performance such as vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, special cognitive enhancing nutraceuticals, vascular risk reduction, hormones, detoxification/environment control (mold, heavy metals, food intolerance, gut health) and the possible need for some intravenous therapies.

The cost of the initial 60-75 min visit to an established Health Associate patient is $150. That is our normal cost for a 30 minute Medicare office visit. You are saving about 50% of a normal one hour established patient visit being evaluated this way. The reason I am offering this discounted visit is because it is critical to get people screened for cognitive issues and to act NOW and not later. It is so important in optimizing brain health to get started before serious cognitive decline occurs. If you let the condition slide many times I can find things that are out of balance to correct but the patient now can’t do it themselves and it is left up to their partner or family member and it just doesn’t get done effectively and in a timely manner. The implementation of a comprehensive lifestyle plan can become overwhelming. Take advantage of this opportunity to getting a “jump start” on probably the most important aspect of your health that will increase your likelihood of remaining independent, which is keeping your mind and cognition intact, or improve it. Make an appointment today for Kirk’s 75 minute “Memory Check” visit for $150 by calling 916-489-4400.

If you are not an established patient but interested in the MoCA Test and cognitive assessment I will include the testing in a normal new patient office visit charge and instead of an hour for the initial consult I will spend 90 minutes going over your medical history, administering the MoCA Test to you, and coming up with the start of a plan to deal with problem. The initial office visit would be 90 minutes. Our normal 1 hour new patient charge of $395 for non-medicare age individuals (<65) and $295 for Medicare age individuals (> 64) for the 90 minutes.

Please review my web page on Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention and Reversal and my Handout of Prevention and Reversal of Alzheimer’s disease and Cognitive Decline. Even if you don’t come in for a visit if you did only one thing and purchased “The 30-Day Alzheimer’s Solution” and read and implemented the NEURO Plan reviewed in the first 87 pages. This is the basics of a plan to slow and prevent cognitive decline presented very clearly and succinctly by two Alzheimer’s specialists and neurologists at Loma Linda Drs. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai.

If a patient just call 916-489-4400 and tell them your want:

1) The 15 minute visit with Kirk Hamilton for a FREE MoCA Test and his handout.
2) A 60-75 minute “Memory Check Visit” for $150 if you are a current Health Associates Patient
3) A New Patient “Memory Check” office visit of 90 minutes that will include a Free MoCA Test and extra 30 minutes at our normal new patient office visit cost of $395 (non Medicare) or $295 for those 65 or older.

Be Well,

Kirk Hamilton PA-C
Prescription 2000, Inc.
Health Associates Medical Group
3301 Alta Arden, Suite 3
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 489-4400 (w)