I had a patient today who didn't pass his commercial drivers license physical exam
because his blood pressure was to high. In this video a study is reviewed that 1/4
cup of ground flax seed for 6 months reduced systolic blood 10 points and diastolic
7 points which correlates with a 46% reduction in stroke risk and 29% reduction in
heart disease risk. If the individuals started with a systolic blood pressure greater than
140 they had a 15 point drop in systolic blood pressure.
This reduction is comparable to hypertension drugs without side effects.
I told my patient to go on strict, whole food, no added oil, plant-based diet. He is already
on 2 blood pressure medications. I also told him to take a 1/4 cup of flax seed in his
packed green smoothie daily. If he's listening let's see if he increases the amount of
flax seed to a 1/4 cup of ground flaxseed. I will see him in two weeks and see what
As you get older a systolic blood pressure above 115 may be the greatest predictor
of death.
Be and Stay Well,
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